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Subject: gseaborg: Loadleveler Emergency Downtime
Author: Therese Enright <>
Date: 2001-03-26 16:44:04
Dear NERSC-SP user, Due to problems observed with Loadleveler today, it is once again necessary to drain the queues on gseaborg. Jobs which are currently running will run to completion. All queued jobs will be lost and it will not be possible to submit jobs until draining has completed. We expect that all draining should be completed by 10pm tonight but please check /etc/motd on gseaborg for additional updates. To help alleviate this problem, the Loadleveler llhold command will be unavailable to users from today. In special circumstances, contact NERSC consultants (e-mail : to place your job on hold. Regards, Therese -- Therese Enright User Services Group email: NERSC Division phone: (510) 486 4706 Berkeley Lab fax: (510) 486 7520

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