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Subject: NERSC augments getnim command
Author: "Richard Gerber" <>
Date: 2001-03-07 10:51:23
The a new option has been added to the getnim command on gseaborg, mcurie, and killeen. When a repository information query is invoked with the -L option, getnim reports a list of users, one per line, followed by a tab character and the amount the user has charged to the repository. For example, killeen% getnim -R testrepo -L tstuser 4970.47 tstmgr 5.56 testpi 0 testuser2 0 testuser3 7274.86 For more information, See the web page or type man getnim on gseaborg, mcurie, or killeen. ****************************************************** * Richard A. Gerber, Ph.D. * * NERSC User Services (510) 486-6820 * * Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * ******************************************************

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