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Subject: 2007 Seaborg Scaling Reimbursmenet Program
Author: Francesca Verdier <>
Date: 2007-01-24 11:21:14
Dear NERSC PIs and Project managers, NERSC and DOE are pleased to announce that up to 4 million hours have been set aside for the Scaling Reimbursement program on Seaborg. This program is intended to prepare projects to run codes at scale on the new Cray XT4 system, Franklin, once it is in production. The target run size on Franklin is 2,418 CPUs or higher (1/8th of the computational processors). Projects that are accepted into this program are expected to run at scale while doing challenging science problems in an efficient manner. To apply: send email to explaining the science goals you have for the runs at scale, the list of codes you intend to use, and a brief description of scaling targets for each code. For projects that have not previously taken advantage of a scaling program, and do not currently run at concurrencies over 750 processors, reimbursements will be for 1,024+ processor jobs. For other projects, reimbursements will be for 1,500+ processor jobs only. Reimbursements will be made towards the beginning of each month so long as you submit a paragraph to NERSC explaining the science results achieved with these large runs and so long as you gather performance information for your large runs using IPM. For more information on IPM see: IPM must be invoked for each run that gets reimbursed. each project is eligible for a maximum reimbursement of 500,000 hours. Project will be reimbursed until the 4 million hours are exhausted. Sincerely, -- Francesca Verdier email: Associate Manager, NERSC Services phone: 510-486-7193

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