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John Kennelly                   - Initial recipient
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Dr. David Christensen – 2008 WCDS Award Recipient

Dr. Christensen’s specialization is dairy nutrition, management and feeds research. Early in his career he helped establish the Saskatchewan Feed Testing Laboratory. This initiative brought scientific nutrition information and ration formulation to the farm.

Throughout his career Dr. Christensen explored alternate and more economical feed, forage and protein sources for dairy cattle and introduced the latest dairy nutrition and ration formulation advancements to the dairy industry in Saskatchewan and around the world. In response to the enormous growth in the use of corn silage in eastern Canada and the USA, he developed whole crop cereal ensiling techniques and developed rations for dairy and beef cattle based on cereal silage that were widely adopted in western Canada. Throughout the years Dr. Christensen evaluated new and improved protein sources for use in dairy rations, including rapeseed meal, canola meal, peas, and flax meal. He studied alternative forages, forage processing and the effect of physical form of forage, and the use of forages in dairy ration formulation.

In the mid-seventies, Dr. Christensen was one of the first to appreciate the extent and economic impact of trace mineral deficiencies in cattle in western Canada. Trace mineral supplementation is now widespread, primarily as the result of a ten-year research program led by Dr. Christensen.

In the 1980s and 90s the dehydrated alfalfa industry in western Canada developed markets and expanded production based on Dr. Christensen’s research and recommendations on the use of dehydrated alfalfa in dairy rations. More recently, Dr. Christensen has been very active in the development of new high-value dairy feedstuffs based on Saskatchewan feed commodities such as vegetable oils, flax, canola and peas for use on Canadian farms and for export.

Dr. Christensen always recognized the value of new technologies and new approaches, and he was one of the first scientists to use the Canadian Light Source Synchrotron to study protein, fiber and mineral metabolism. Dr. Christensen is also much involved in applied management and economics of dairy farms. Recently he developed a Cost of Production computer program for on-farm evaluation and consultation on aspects of dairy enterprise economic management.

Dr. Christensen served the agriculture sectors on numerous boards as a member and in advisory capacities, including the Saskatchewan Dairy Association, Saskatchewan Livestock Association, Saskatchewan Advisory Committee on Animal Production, Prairie Feed Resource Centre Inc. and the Canadian Society of Animal Science. He continues to be active as member of the Saskatchewan Milk Control Board.

During his career Dr. Christensen supervised over 50 graduate students, published over 150 scientific journal articles and presented 44 major invited papers at national and international scientific conferences. Furthermore, he presented over 200 invited lectures at institutions all over the world. Dr. Christensen has taught nutrition and dairy management to thousands of students, including undergraduate, graduate, vocational and veterinary students, at the University of Saskatchewan. He has also provided many extension talks and workshops throughout western Canada and he was the driving force behind the successful recent offering of the new dairy management course for Hutterite brethren, recently expanded to serve the broader dairy industry. Dr. Christensen was responsible for the management of the Dairy Research Unit and its successful Greenbrae Dairy Research Herd.

Bruce Beattie – 2007 WCDS Award of Merit

Bruce has been very involved in the governance of the dairy industry. He joined the Board of Alberta Milk Producers in 1988 as a representative from the Red Deer Milk Producers Association. He was chair of the Dairy Nutrition Council of Alberta from 1988 to 1992 and served as Chair of Alberta Milk Producers from 1992 to 1997 and Vice Chair until 2004.

He has served producers on many committees including:

Internal Advisory Committees of Alberta Milk

  1. Research: of which he is the current Chairman
  2. Animal Health: of which he is the current Chairman
  3. Cost of Production: was part of the committee involved in the redevelopment of the fluid milk pricing formula
  4. Marketing, Nutrition and Education Committee
  5. New Product Development and Innovation Working Group

External Committees

  1. Dairy Research and Technology Centre Partnership Committee – Bruce was instrumental in the development of the DRTC agreement.
  2. CLA Network Chairman
  3. Bruce is a strong proponent of the environment serving as the chair of the Alberta Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Council and as a member of the Climate Change Central Board of Directors.
  4. Alberta Farm Animal Care – focus on animal welfare and humane treatment of livestock.
  5. Alberta Beef Producers – dairy delegate
  6. Alberta Dairy Control Board Policy Committee
  7. Alberta Dairy Industry Governance Working Group – which saw the merger of the producer organization and the provincial dairy control board establishing Alberta Milk

Regional Committee
Western Milk Pool Coordinating Committee – it should be noted that Bruce was part of the negotiation team that lead to the formation of the Western Milk Pool

National Organizations and Committees

  1. Alberta Director to Dairy Farmers of Canada
  2. Served on the DFC Research Committee - Production Research (PESAC)
  3. The Canadian Bovine Research Network (CBRN)
  4. Premium Milk Innovation – Advisory Committee
  5. Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee – Bruce was a member of CMSMC when the special class pool was negotiated and established

One of Bruce’s guiding principles, which is evident from the work he has done on behalf of producers, is: “Producers representing Producers”.


Dr. Steve Mason – 2003 WCDS Award of Merit
 recipient awarded March 12th, 2003

Dr. John Kennelly and Dr. Steve Mason Dr. Mason has had a long career in extension and technology transfer and over the past 25 years has made numerous outstanding contributions to the dairy industry of Alberta and Canada. He was Provincial Livestock Nutritionist with the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Food and has been Manager and Senior Specialist with ProLivestock: Nutrition/Management Specialists. Since the early 90’s he has been very active in the Dairy Extension Advisory Group within Alberta, and subsequently served as Coordinator of Western Dairy Science Inc. He recently joined Cornell University as a Dairy Herd Management Area Specialist. Dr. Mason has a very strong commitment to extension and technology transfer and has served the dairy industry through numerous initiatives. He has been directly involved in on-farm nutrition and management consulting; he has provided technical support services for farm advisors; he has been instrumental in producing technology transfer and technical marketing media related to the dairy industry; he has been involved in computer software development for the dairy producer; and he has been involved in contract extension work. There are two key attributes that Steve Mason contributes to technology transfer and education: innovation in how he addresses technology transfer and leadership in how he achieves technology transfer. Dr. Mason has clearly demonstrated a history of continued commitment to the dairy industry in Canada. He is not afraid to challenge concepts and ideas. He has a very unique talent of being able to translate complex scientific concepts into recommendations that can be readily adopted and easily understood by producers. It is rare to find someone with Dr. Mason's scientific ability who has the enthusiasm for all aspects of animal agriculture and the ability to convey that enthusiasm to the industry. He is truly deserving of this award.


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Western Canadian Dairy Seminar