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Mission Areas

Sandia’s force protection work encompasses protecting critical mission functions, personnel, high-value assets, installations, infrastructure, and forces on the move.  Sandia’s force protection work encompasses protecting critical mission functions, personnel, high-value assets, installations, infrastructure, and forces on the move.


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Safeguarding the Nation through analysis, technology and innovation.

At Sandia National Laboratories, our core capabilities for Homeland Defense and Force Protection — initially acquired from safeguarding the U.S. nuclear stockpile — derive from a long-standing science and technology base and unique facilities largely provided by the U.S. Department of Energy. Our challenge? To anticipate and mitigate unprecedented risks, and to rapidly respond to and to recover from catastrophic events — both natural disasters and acts of terrorism.

Our work encompasses protecting critical mission functions, personnel, high-value assets, installations, infrastructure, and forces on the move from the evolving adversary. As a national security laboratory, we couple our systems engineering expertise with investments in science and technology to meet national security needs.

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