Identity & logo usage

The CVSS logo is available on several formats and may be used when referring to the CVSS Initiative. Click on the images to download the appropriate logo file.

Web Usage PNG (5Kb)

This file is suited for web use. This format also lends itself to PowerPoint presentations. The png format has a transparent background. If a colored background is desired it can be added in the web application. The file is also RGB, black 100%, Red= R 186, G=0, B=0. It is scalable to a smaller size without degradation of the file.

4 Color CMYK AI (389Kb)

This file is suited for 4/color process printing purposes and is a cmyk file. The "v" in the logo is represented as C=21.18, M=98.82, Y= 92.16, K=7.45. This file is also in vector format. Vector files are scalable to any size and will maintain integrity and not degrade as you enlarge them. For instance, you could blow this logo up to 3 feet and it would look as crisp and clean as the original size. This format is should be used when the logo must be enlarged to larger sizes. It is in the original native format, i.e., ai= Adobe Illustrator.

4 Color CMYK AI with background (385Kb)

This logo has the same qualities as the logo above ( except a white background is added.

Black & White AI (388Kb)

This logo also contains the same qualities as the above logo with the exception it is strictly black and white. The “v” in the logo is now represented as 50% black.

High Resolution CMYK JPEG (97Kb)

This logo is high resolution (300dpi), 4-color process. It measures apx 2.75 x 3” and is best used in printing, i.e., brochures, etc. It is not scalable. Jpegs are the standard graphics most utilized for placement inside documents used in high resolution offset printing.