NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Account Information for PDSF

Use of PDSF is currently restricted to researchers that have made, or plan to make, contributions to shared PDSF resources. In order to gain access to the facility (get an account), please fill out the following form (if your browser doesn't support forms or javascript fill out and EMail this text template). Fields with a bold label are Required Fields. Help can be obtained on any of the fields by clicking on the labels. The policy and procedure for new user accounts to be approved and created is explained in New User Policy.

Accounts & Allocations take 2 business days after the primary contact for your group approves the request. New group requests take 5 business days to complete.







Institution and address:

Prefered Username:

Accounts & Allocations:

General PDSF Account

 HPSS Account:

 Please provide a brief description of the work and the name of a person you will be working with at PDSF:

 Any additional information you want to include can also be entered into the box above.

This form uses MIT's cgiemail.

For projects new to the PDSF (see User Community), please provide the project name and a brief description of the type of work which will be done on the system. The project name will also be associated with a group ID for accounting and file protection uses.

NOTICE: NERSC has a computer use policy form. This form is required for all NERSC accounts. PDSF is a NERSC system. You need to know a name of a Principal Investigator on your project. If you are not sure, please check here. You have to print this form and follow the submission process indicated on it. You need to submit it before a password can be issued to you. Sorry there is no electronic form since they require a written signature.

Page last modified: Thu, 02 Oct 2008 18:14:31 GMT
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DOE Office of Science