NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Password on PDSF

To get access to PDSF, fill out the User Account Request form.

Each account on the PDSF is identified by a user ID, usually the name of the individual to which the account belongs. Along with the account, the user is supplied with an initial password to allow the user to log onto the system for the first time. The password should be changed via NIM.

Use your old password to connect
Under the 'Actions' menu click on 'Change NIM Password'

This changes your NIM/LDAP password which is used for PDSF.

When you forget your password, call NERSC Support at x8612 or 510.486.8612 and they will be able to help. Nobody else can help so do not try to contact PDSF system administrators.

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