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Subject: NERSC Users' Group meeting Oct. 3-4 in Berkeley
Author: Richard Gerber <>
Date: 2005-08-15 16:01:16
Dear NERSC users, The next NERSC Users' Group (NUG) meeting will be held Oct. 3-4 at Berkeley Lab. All NERSC users are invited to attend. I'm helping coordinate the schedule and meeting logistics. A draft agenda is on the web at the URL: Monday, Oct. 3 is planned as a training day, with an emphasis on the new Jacquard Opteron system. The business meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 4. Please take a look at the proposed agenda and send me any comments and/or suggestions for changes. Details are still malleable, but need to be set very soon. A registration form will be posted in the next few days. There is no registration fee to attend, but we need a head count for planning logistics. We can try to broadcast at least parts of the meeting via a web cast and/or a teleconference. Please let me know which parts of the meeting you are interested in attending remotely and whether you prefer teleconferencing or web casting. Regards, Richard Gerber

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