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Subject: Re: NUG teleconference this Thu April 28
Author: Doug Olson <>
Date: 2005-04-27 09:36:14
Hi Francesca, I would like to discuss an issue that keeps coming up where groups have some production running to do and have several people looking after it, each needing to control it. At some times & places, this has been handled with a few people having shared access to the production account. I would like us to explore how we can arrange to accomplish the shared control of the production computing jobs without violating the policies. Thanks, Doug Francesca Verdier wrote: > Dear PPPL NERSC Users, > > There will be a NUG teleconference this Thursday, April 28 at 9:00 > Pacific time. So far there are no agenda items; please send me topics > you would like to discuss. > > To Attend: > Local Call: 510-486-5008 > Call toll free: 1-877-252-5250 > Internal Users: 5008 > Then press 1 and enter 7193# and follow the instructions. Meeting ID: > 7193. >

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