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Subject: discussion of premium usage at NUG teleconference today
Author: Francesca Verdier <>
Date: 2008-06-19 11:01:51
Dear PIs and project managers, There was a lively discussion at the NERSC User Group (NUG) teleconference this morning on the use of the premium queues on Bassi, precipitated by the observation that in the past month more than a quarter of Bassi usage has been in the premium queues. The users made several suggestion to mitigate this: (1) NERSC could contact projects that have more than 10% premium use. (2) NERSC could remind users that the intent of the premium queues is to allow for fast turnaround before conferences and urgent project deadlines. (3) NERSC could consider increasing the premium charge factor beyond its current factor of 2. (4) NERSC could consider implementing higher charges for premium use once a project's use of premium goes over a certain threshold (like 10%). It was agreed to give the NUG and project managers some time to think about this and to discuss the topic again at the next NUG teleconference (scheduled for July 24). Sincerely, -- Francesca Verdier email: Department Head, NERSC Services phone: 510-486-7193

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