NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Physics experiments and research groups using PDSF include:
    Experiment at the SLAC B-Factory for observation of CP violation
PDSF Contact: Bob Jacobsen -
AMANDA - Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array
    The primary objective of AMANDA is to discover sources of very- high-energy neutrinos from galactic and extragalactic sources.
PDSF Contact: Jodi Lamoureux -
    CP Violation in Hyperon Decays
PDSF Contact: George Gidal -
ATLAS - A Toroid LHC ApparatuS
    Experiment at the CERN to explore the origin of mass
PDSF Contact: Ian Hinchliffe -
The Atlas collaboration is using PDSF for detector simulation and software development.
Access to the Atlas specific help on the pdsf cluster.
    The physics goal of AGS experiment E895 is to study multiparticle correlations - especially collective effects - as well as particle production and critical phenomena in a variety of heavy ion systems up to Au + Au, over a range of AGS beam energies.
PDSF Contact: Gulshan Rai -
The E895 collaboration is using PDSF as the production facility for analysis of raw data into DSTs.
CDF - Collider Detector at Fermilab
    Experiment at the FERMILAB Tevatron proton-antiproton Collider
PDSF Contact: (Angela ? Lina) Galtieri -
    E896 is a search for short-lived composite strange matter (in particular the H0 di-baryon) and an investigation of hyperon production in 11.6 A GeV/c AuAu Collisions.
    Experiment at the FERMILAB Tevatron proton-antiproton Collider
PDSF Contact: Charles Leggett -
    A Sharper Drill Bit for Mining the QGP
PDSF Contact: Doug Olson -
MuCap - Precision Measurement of Muon Capture on the Proton
    This negative muon capture rate determines the least well known weak coupling constant of the proton, g_p, and tests chiral perturbation theory and various models of nucleon structure. MuCap will analyze over 10^10 muon decays in ultra-clean deuterium-depleted hydrogen.
PDSF Contact: Tom Case -
The MuCap collaboration is using PDSF for data analysis.
    A large particle detector and nuclear physics experiment designed to explore what happened shortly after the Big Bang and to uncover the secrets of the spin structure of the proton.
The PHENIX collaboration is using PDSF for software development of the detector sub-systems.
    Large Acceptance Hadron Detector for an Investigation of Pb-induced Reactions at the CERN SPS
PDSF Contact: Peter Jacobs -
The NA49 collaboration will be using PDSF in the development Event-by-Event physics analysis.
STAR - Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC
    STAR will search for signatures of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) formation and investigate the behavior of strongly interacting matter at high energy density.
PDSF Contact: Doug Olson -
The STAR collaboration is using PDSF for detector simulations and software development.
Access to the STAR specific help on the pdsf cluster.
SNO - Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
    Obtaining new information about our sun and the neutrino messengers which come from it.
PDSF Contact: Yuen-Dat Chen -
The SNO collaboration will be using PDSF for software development leading to data analysis production.
ALICE - A Large Ion Collider E xperiment at CERN LHC
    The ALICE Collaboration is building a dedicated heavy-ion detector to exploit the unique physics potential of nucleus-nucleus interactions at LHC energies.
PDSF Contact: Grazyna Odyniec -
The Alice collaboration is using PDSF for detector simulations and software development.
SNFactory - The Nearby Super Nova Factory
    The Nearby Supernova Factory (SNfactory) is designed to address a wide range of supernova issues using detailed observations of low-redshift SN.
PDSF Contact: Greg Aldering -
The SNFactory collaboration is using PDSF for data analysis.
LSS - Large Scale Structure of the Universe
    Modelling the formation and evolution of structure in the universe.
PDSF Contact: Martin White -
The LSS group is using PDSF for simulations.

Page last modified: Mon, 24 May 2004 22:59:18 GMT
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