Carbonated soft drink volume growth to remain slow next year
December 17, 2008

Revised forecasts predict volume growth of between 1 and 2% for the global carbonates category despite the worsening economic climate. The deterioration in financial conditions has inevitably prompted Canadean to downgrade their earlier projections by around 1% and the global beverage experts now expect the market to reach 208 billion litres by the end of this year, a figure that equates to 31 litres per year for every global consumer. 2009 will see a similar growth rate to 2008, before the green... ...Read more »

Sustainability driven by innovation not cost: Food Business Summit survey
November 17, 2008

Recently released research by KPMG International and CIES reveals that, far from regarding corporate responsibility as a cost, many leading retailers and manufacturers see sustainability as: • a driver of innovation that can help build growth and profitability • integrated into the core business • driven by business need rather than formal requirements • having a neutral or positive impact on the bottom line • playing a crucial role in recruitment and retention The report, ‘KPMG/CIES... ...Read more »

AFGC welcomes approval of recycling initiative
November 12, 2008

The Australian Food and Grocery Council, Australia’s peak food and grocery manufacturing representative body, has welcomed recognition from the nation’s Environment Ministers that the National Packaging Covenant has played a significant role in increasing consumer packaging recycling rates by 16 per cent over the past three years. AFGC Chief Executive Kate Carnell said it was pleasing to see last week’s meeting of the Environment Protection and Heritage Council acknowledge the success... ...Read more »

The five top trends for ‘09 and how they impact on business
November 11, 2008

Around the world, people have been shaken into uncertainty by the economic crisis, but there have been reasons for optimism and hope in recent weeks. Looking ahead to 2009, market and consumer intelligence firm Mintel believes consumers will adapt and make the best of the coming year in five major ways. As a backlash against the fast pace of the modern world, people will try to take greater control of their lives and find pleasure in the simple things. Faced with financial insecurity, shoppers will... ...Read more »

Kellogg, P&G continue sales momentum despite economic gloom
October 30, 2008

Kellogg Company, the world’s largest cereal manufacturer, has reported third-quarter 2008 sales growing 9% to US$3.3b - driven by price increases and the trend toward more people eating at home. “The Kellogg business model and strategy continue to give us the ability to offset inflationary headwinds while hitting our targets and delivering sustainable, dependable performance in these very volatile times,” said David Mackay, Kellogg’s chief executive officer. Mr Mackay noted... ...Read more »

UK food industry on the road to sustainability
October 20, 2008

The UK’s leading food and consumer goods companies reported last week that an initiative to reduce the environmental impact of transporting food and groceries has removed the equivalent of 53 million journey miles from UK roads. Over the course of the last year, many household brands have been working together through IGD’s Efficient Consumer Response (ECR UK) initiative on the Sustainable Distribution project. ECR UK announced that, through measures such as sharing vehicles and more... ...Read more »

Consumers have unanswered questions on GM food
October 6, 2008

Research released UK by food and grocery expert IGD suggests that consumers want more information on Genetically Modified (GM) foods before forming a strong opinion one way or the other. IGD has closely monitored consumer attitudes to GM food, alongside many other issues, over the last ten years. The latest research involved IGD talking to 7,000 shoppers during spring and early autumn 2008. The research shows that opinions have changed very little since the issue reached mass public attention almost... ...Read more »

Private label to show its worth in the convenience channel
October 3, 2008

Private label products, or store brands, are growing faster in convenience stores compared to other stores and represent a tremendous growth opportunity for the convenience channel, according to new research to be released by The Nielsen Company. Nielsen’s research discovers that sales of private label products escalated by nearly 20 per cent over the last year to $826 million in American convenience stores, compared to a 15 per cent increase in drug stores (pharmacies) and just under 10 per... ...Read more »

The “green” revolution: Are consumers buying it?
October 2, 2008

New findings suggest that many customers concerned with the environment are not following through by purchasing environmentally friendly products. Information Resources, Inc. (IRI), a leading global provider of consumer, shopper, and market insights for consumer packaged goods (CPG), retail, and healthcare industries, has revealed new findings from a study based on TNS’ Shades of Green Segmentation, which highlight distinct variations in buying behaviors even among those consumers who claim... ...Read more »

Doing more with less: Successful strategies overcome the turbulence
September 29, 2008

New research has established a number of methods to assist CPG companies prosper in spite of rising economic pressure and falling consumer demand, with important lessons for companies of all sizes. Top performers in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry achieved 3.6 per cent sales growth over and above category average while decreasing their sales costs as a percent of sales by 6.1 per cent over two years, according to the 2008 Customer and Channel Management Survey: Doing More with Less: Winning... ...Read more »

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