Consumer group takes Coca-Cola to court for alleged deception
January 16, 2009

The Coca-Cola Company has been served notice of a class action lawsuit from an American consumer group and a San Fransisco customer amid accusations of “deceptive and unsubstantiated claims” on its glaceau vitaminwater line of beverages. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) argues that The Coca-Cola Company “makes a wide range of dramatic claims, including that its drinks variously reduce the risk of chronic disease, reduce the risk of eye disease, promote healthy... ...Read more »

Coca-Cola opens largest bottle-to-bottle recycling plant
January 16, 2009

The Coca-Cola Company and United Resource Recovery Corporation (URRC) have launched the world’s largest plastic bottle-to-bottle recycling plant in the US state of South Carolina. Coca-Cola said the new plant would be a key in their quest to recycle and reuse 100 per cent of their cans and bottles in America. When fully operational, the plant will produce approximately 100 million pounds of food-grade recycled PET plastic each year - the equivalent of nearly two billion 20-ounce Coca-Cola bottles.... ...Read more »

As the marketplace changes, innovation allows leaders to maintain market relevance
January 9, 2009

Global branding in the food and beverage industry has never been more challenging. Yet for select leading global companies, the often volatile international marketplace is populated with more opportunities than pitfalls. According to market research publisher Packaged Facts’ new report, Top Global Food and Beverage Companies: Strategies for Success, there are eight companies who continue to exemplify the ideal model for success: Nestlé, Kellogg, Anheuser-Busch (now a part of In-Bev), Wrigley... ...Read more »

Major Australian food and beverage manufacturers make commitment to limit advertising
January 5, 2009

Major Australian based food and beverage manufacturers have, for the first time, publicly made available company action plans which spell out in black and white how and when they will market a range of their products. Australian Food and Grocery Council CEO Kate Carnell said that the commitment is in-line with the Council’s recently announced Responsible Children’s Marketing Initiative. “Companies participating in this initiative have publicly committed to advertise to children... ...Read more »

Pepsi and Coca-Cola get stevia approval, product roll-out to begin
December 18, 2008

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), America’s food safety regulators, have reportedly given the all clear for the use of rebaudioside A (rebiana) - the sweetest part of the stevia plant. Cargill, the ingredients company that has teamed with Coca-Cola to create their stevia sweetener (Truvia), released a statement indicating that the long awaited FDA approval had been forthcoming. PepsiCo announced they had also received approval for their version of the sweetener. The decision paves the... ...Read more »

Coca-Cola seeks approval to use plant sterols in juice, FSANZ invites public comment
December 17, 2008

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) - an independent government agency responsible for setting food regulations - today invited public comment on a request to approve the use of phytosterols, derived from vegetable oils, in fruit juice and fruit juice drinks. Phytosterols (also known as plant sterols) are classified as a ‘novel food’ for food regulation purposes, which means that they are not a traditional part of the Australian and New Zealand diet and they have not been used before... ...Read more »

Coca-Cola to launch first stevia soft drink this week?
December 16, 2008

Rumours are swirling that The Coca-Cola Company could this week release their first soft drink with stevia - the all natural sweetener that has been dubbed by some as the “holy grail” of sweeteners. Coca-Cola has declined to comment on a report that from the Wall Street Journal indicating a launch was imminent. Both Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, the world’s largest soft drink makers, have stevia drinks ready to roll-out, but the news of Coca-Cola’s potential launch is notable because... ...Read more »

Nestlé joins other US multinationals in ad pledge
December 5, 2008

The Council of Better Business Bureaus (BBB) has announced its approval of Nestlé USA’s advertising pledge as a participant in the Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative - which was created to encourage companies to restrict advertising to children. The Children’s Food & Beverage Advertising Initiative was created in 2006 by BBB, with 10 major food and beverage companies, which accounted for more than two-thirds of children’s food and beverage television advertising... ...Read more »

“Myth-busting” Coke and NSW Health water ads get the all clear
November 27, 2008

The Advertising Standards Bureau has given the green light to the “myth-busting” Coca-Cola advertisement as well as the NSW Department of Health’s water campaign despite receiving a number of complaints. Advertising Standards Bureau Chief Executive Officer, Ms Fiona Jolly said complaints focussed on the allegedly misleading and false claims made by advertisers in both the soft drink print advertisement from Coca Cola and a NSW Health Department television advertisement promoting... ...Read more »

Coca-Cola to introduce front-of-pack calorie information in US
October 28, 2008

Coca-Cola North America has announced plans to place calories-per-serving and servings-per-container information on the front of all packages for its entire US beverage portfolio. Coca-Cola report that research shows calorie information is an important tool to help people make informed decisions about the calorie contribution of foods and beverages to their total dietary intake, and thus is important information in helping them achieve and/or maintain their healthy weight. In 2003, the... ...Read more »

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