Small businesses catch tax break
December 12, 2008

The Federal Government has announced a deferral of some small business tax liabilities in the first half of 2009, with over one million small businesses likely to qualify for the tax relief. The news will be well received by the small business community, and are a sign that the government recognises the cash flow difficulties that the economic slowdown presents for smaller employers and contractors, according to the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI). “While the decision is... ...Read more »

“Wonky” vegetables to be permitted in EU
November 13, 2008

Rules governing the size and shape of fruit and vegetables will be consigned to history after European Union Member States yesterday voted on Commission proposals to repeal specific marketing standards for 26 types of fruit and vegetables. The Commission claims the initiative is a major element in its ongoing efforts to streamline and simplify EU rules and cut red tape. For 10 types of fruit and vegetables, including apples, strawberries and tomatoes, marketing standards will remain in place. But... ...Read more »

Price fixing to come under the spotlight of new legislation
October 28, 2008

The Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs, Chris Bowen, has announced a package of measures providing criminal sanctions for serious cartel conduct, including providing power to the ACCC to tap telephone calls for investigatory purposes. After lengthy consultation with businesses, academics and the community at large, the Government yesterday released the final cartels bill in response to their election promise. “Together with the United States, the 10‑year... ...Read more »

New consumer law to ensure nationwide consistency
August 18, 2008

The Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs (MCCA) has agreed that all Australian governments should adopt a new national consumer law, which will operate in all Australian jurisdictions and remains consistent. “Today the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments have placed the Australian consumer front and centre, as we took an important step on the road to achieving a single, national consumer law,” Consumer Affairs Minister, Chris Bowen, said. “These reforms will bring... ...Read more »

New National Employment Standards released
June 17, 2008

The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, and Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Julia Gillard, yesterday released the new National Employment Standards (NES).The NES are a key element of the Rudd Government’s new workplace relations system and will come into effect on 1 January 2010, with the Government indicating that the new system should ensure that all employees are protected by a strong safety net of fair minimum conditions. The NES will apply to all employees in the Federal... ...Read more »

ACCC aligns with CAV to improve consumer protection
May 19, 2008

A Memorandum of Understanding between the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Consumer Affairs Victoria was signed in Melbourne today by ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, and Consumer Affairs Victoria Director, Dr David Cousins. “The MOU reflects the spirit of collaboration between the two agencies and demonstrates the commitment of both organisations to work together to ensure consumers and traders are aware of their rights and responsibilities under fair trading and... ...Read more »

Food ministers agree to new vision for food regulation system
May 6, 2008

The 11th meeting of the Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council was held in Melbourne late last week with health warnings on alcohol and a draft standard on health and nutrition claims among the topics discussed. Strategic direction on the Australian and New Zealand Food Regulatory System The Ministerial Council endorsed the ‘Overarching Strategic Statement for the Food Regulatory System’ that provides the strategic context for the Australian and New Zealand... ...Read more »

ARA supports Vic Govt change to clearway times
April 30, 2008

Peak retail industry body the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) supports with some reservation the Victorian Government’s changes to extend clearway times in and around Melbourne CBD and is calling for councils to ease local parking restrictions. According to Executive Director Richard Evans, extending the clearway times to 6.30-10am and 3-7pm will help ease the increasing traffic congestion problem in Melbourne but there needs to be a co-joining process with local councils to encourage retail... ...Read more »

ACCC to crackdown on predatory pricing
April 29, 2008

The Federal Government has mooted changes to legislation which will provide the ACCC with greater powers to crackdown on companies engaging in the practice of predatory pricing. The legislation is another attempt by the government to stimulate competition and reduce spiralling prices, particularly in the food industry. Minister for Small Business, Chris Bowen, outlined the changes at the Trade Practices and Corporate Compliance Conference and indicated the changes would help stimulate competition.... ...Read more »

Government trying to entice more supermarket competition
April 24, 2008

The Federal Government has announced they will be reducing restrictions on foreign supermarkets entering the Australian marketplace. The changes will provide supermarkets with five years to develop vacant commercial land as opposed to the current one-year allowance. The new legislation is designed to entice multinational companies like Wal-Mart, Costco and Tesco into Australia; with assistant treasurer Chris Bowen indicating that old legislation stifled competition in the sector. “We... ...Read more »

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