Global food shortage begins to bite
March 31, 2008

A global food shortage is a possibility in the near future as increasing populations increase demand, while severe weather conditions in many major producing countries limit supply. Food prices are soaring as a result and it is no surprise to see wheat stocks at 30-year lows. The issue for the future is that as the population continues to increase land will become scarcer yet demand for food will increase. Thus, the ability to find suitable land for agricultural purposes will decline and the crisis... ...Read more »

Antioxidant found in red wine could help fight cancer
March 31, 2008

A recent study has provided further weight to the belief that drinking red wine can provide health benefits. The new study found that an antioxidant in red wine destroys cancer cells while also possibly enhancing the positive impact of radiation and chemotherapy treatments. The antioxidant found in grape skins, known as resveratrol, has been found to be the reason behind the success of red wine in fighting cancer cells. Resveratrol appears to work by targeting the internal energy source of the cancer... ...Read more »

US and China seek approval to export apples and stonefruit to Australia
March 31, 2008

The USA and China have recently applied to export apples and stonefruit into Australia. Biosecurity Australia has now begun their risk assessment into the products to determine whether or not they will allow the two countries to import the products to Australia. Local growers have made clear their concern that allowing the imports will result in new pests and diseases being brought into the country. Furthermore, the impact of new competition on farmers could be substantial in some cases and cost... ...Read more »

Rain in NSW and Queensland boosts farmers confidence
March 31, 2008

The recent heavy rains in Queensland and NSW have boosted confidence and optimism amongst farmers in the two states. The rain has been above average in many areas and should be able to limit the impact of the drought across Australia. However, the southern areas of Australia are still in the midst of a drought with South Australia and certain regions of Victoria and Western Australia the most affected. In fact, so high has the rainfall been in northern areas of Queensland that drought assistance... ...Read more »

Get the latest on grain
March 31, 2008

Growers are now able to keep up-to-date via the Grains Research and Development Corporation’s (GRDC) new e-newsletter advisory service. The service is free and will provide growers with fortnightly updates on grain industry news and events via links to the GRDC website. The service has been created in a way which allows growers to identify certain areas of interest. Register online or call (02) 6166 4500 for more information.  Read More →