Everything about FIRST Members

Participants in FIRST are part of a network of computer security incident response and security teams that work together voluntarily to deal with computer security problems and their prevention.

There are two types of participants in FIRST:

  • Full Members represent organizations who assist an information technology community or other defined constituency in preventing and handling computer security-related incidents.
  • Liaison Members are individuals or representatives of organizations other than incident response or security teams that have a legitimate interest in and value to FIRST.

Membership Process at a glance

Read about the Membership Affiliation Process and start yours to become a FIRST Member.

» Affiliation

FIRST Member Teams

View a complete list of FIRST Team Members with contact information.

Existing FIRST Members may preview the detailed contact and individual members at the Members view of the website.

» Alphabetical list

Members around the world

Members around the world thumbnail

View the distribution of FIRST Teams around the world, per country (Macromedia Flash Plugin is required).

» Members around the world

FIRST Liaisons

View a complete list of FIRST Liaisons with contact information.

Existing FIRST Members may preview the detailed contact information at the Members view of the website.

» FIRST Liaisons

Membership Updates

Team Representatives and Liaisons may update their Team/Liaison information online through the Membership update forms.

» Membership Updates

Members Interaction

Know more about the ways FIRST Members may interact to each other. This content is available to FIRST Members only..

» Members Interaction