
“ Each tree planted needs water and care for its entire life. It’s worth the work. Over its lifetime, that tree will pay you back in lower energy bills, higher property values, cleaner air and water. ”

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, May 2006

Welcome to the Million Trees LA website!

I love this amazing city, and I know you do too. As part of a larger effort to make Los Angeles greener, cleaner, healthier and more beautiful for us all to enjoy, I have launched the Million Trees LA initiative; the plan is to plant one million trees over the next several years. This is a partnership between the City of Los Angeles, community groups, businesses and individuals like you, working together to plant and provide long-term stewardship of one million trees, planted all over the city with a focus on areas that need it most.

The trees will provide shade and save on energy costs, clean the air and help reduce the greenhouse gases that cause global warming, capture polluted urban runoff, improve water quality, and add beauty to our neighborhoods.

This approach puts focus on the natural processes that can reduce pollution and transform our city into a sustainable, green city. Our urban forest is a natural utility -- one that improves in value over time.

This is a large task, but this city is up to it. I am inviting you to join me, and thousands of other committed residents of this magnificent city, in revitalizing Los Angeles.

Together we can plant a brighter and healthier tomorrow for Los Angeles. Take the next step today. Pledge to plant and join me in this unprecedented undertaking.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa