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Books for Senior Citizens and Baby Boomers 100 Hot Books


Books for Senior Citizens

Book on Successful Aging Chosen for Review in Book Industry Magazine


Author Ilchi Lee


In Full Bloom: A Brain Education Guide for Successful Aging - techniques aplenty for keeping your brain in top condition late in life

Aug. 18, 2008 – A book on aging - In Full Bloom: A Brain Education Guide for Successful Aging by Ilchi Lee and Jessie Jones - has been included in ForeWord Magazine’s "10-Year Special Anniversary Issue." The magazine only publishes one article that focuses on self-help books and this year, In Full Bloom was included as one of seven self-help books that "are each remarkably well-written and worthwhile. If well-being on any level is the goal, these books deliver the goods." Read more...

Savvy Senior Singles Aims to Inspire Readers to Embrace 'Best Years'

To age gracefully with humor and a good attitude or not - that’s dilemma Samantha Landy hopes to solve

May 4, 2007 - In her new book, Savvy Senior Singles, author and conference speaker Samantha Landy tries to present an honest, no-nonsense guide for victorious living as an older single.  With humor and candor, she equips readers to become “savvy senior singles”—intelligent, unmarried people over the age of fifty who experience life in all of its fullness. Read more...

CNN Features "Chasing Life" on Living Longer and Healthier Life

April 16, 2007 - CNN has run a two-part series several times in April that features Dr. Sanjay Gupta on how to live a longer and healthier life. The program focuses on what he learned in researching his new book, "Chasing Life."

He says, "I wanted to write a book about immortality. Futurists are envisioning a time when science is able to beat death, and I was fascinated by what that would mean, both physiologically and philosophically.

"Most people don't necessarily want to live longer, unless they are of sound mind and body, without terrible illness late in life, not confined to beds or wheelchairs. They want to live their lives like an incandescent light bulb, burning brightly, until they suddenly go out."

>> For more about his book:
Chasing Life: New Discoveries in the Search for Immortality to Help You Age Less Today

>> For more opportunities to see program at CNN, click here

Remember Your First Gym Suit? Book Explores History of Women's Sportswear

The long, slow struggle to get women into pants

April 11, 2007 - “Every woman over 40 remembers her first gym suit,” says Patricia Campbell Warner, professor of theater at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, whose book published in late 2006, “When the Girls Came Out to Play,” traces the history of modern sportswear as a universal style that broke down traditional gender roles. Read more...

Features for Senior Citizens

New Book from Hospice Foundation Dispels Myths about Grief

'...the grieving aren't lovely. The grieving are a pain in the neck.'

Feb. 21, 2007 - "Grief is such a quiet word; it makes you think of women in black shawls, silent and lovely. But the grieving aren't lovely. The grieving are a pain in the neck." So writes Elizabeth Uppman in her essay "A Chunk of Crystal" in Hospice Foundation of America's (HFA) new book, Living With Grief: Before and After the Death. Read more...

Senior Citizens with Advice for Others are Needed by Book Editors

Here is your chance to tell a slice of your life that can help others

September 6, 2006 – Senior citizens who think they have an important lesson or sage advice to share with others - you seldom meet one who doesn't - may have a chance to get it published in a book. Frank Miles and Dave Eagan are trying to compile an anthology of such autobiographical stories written by seniors. Read more...

Can Women Heal Their Heart with Wine and Chocolate?

New book says consumed daily it reduces heart disease risk 54%

Feb. 1, 2006 - If women would drink a glass of red wine a day and eat an ounce of dark chocolate, they could help reduce their risk of heart disease by 54 percent, says a new book officially being released today just two days before the Wear Red for Women observance aimed at educating women about heart disease. This may be the most pleasurable lesson they get. And, it is sure to catch the eye of many senior citizens, wary of heart disease. Read more...

Social Security Reform Has Withered but Program Still Needs Help

Author Nancy Altman says the problem is not that hard to solve

Feb. 1, 2005 – Social Security Reform, a buzz phrase for the last few years, seems to have come and gone on the agenda of President George W. Bush, as indicated by the lack of support in his State of the Union last night. There is, however, a financial problem for the program somewhere out there in the future. Nancy J. Altman, an author and former assistant to Alan Greenspan, says in the following opinion piece that the program is still vital and financial security is not that difficult to achieve. Click to read her opinion...

Why People Kill Themselves is Explored in New Book

Senior citizens have highest rates of suicide around the world

Jan. 11, 2006 - Every year, close to 1 million people around the world kill themselves. Florida State University Bright-Burton Professor of Psychology Thomas Joiner has spent much of his career trying to find out why. After all, lots of people are hopeless and depressed, many severely. Why do some people choose to end their own lives and others don't? The answer, he believes, could save lives. Read more...

Solving Daily Math Problems Alleviates Some Dementia, Says Author

“Train Your Brain: 60 Days to a Better Brain” has sold 2.5 million copies in Japan

by Dr. Ryuta Kawashima

Aug. 2, 2005 - Go figure. Performing math problems regularly may help alleviate some of the symptoms of dementia. The idea is that just as regular exercise is known to help slow the deterioration of muscles, the same is true for the brain. Read more...

Literary Success Begins at 50: Best Age for Best Sellers Says Study

Writers Mature Later Than Scientists Or Musicians, Suggests Research

June 3, 2005 - Fifty years old may be a good age for a mid–life crisis but it is also the perfect age to publish a novel designed to become a best–seller, according to a study of best–selling novels and their authors over the past half–century. Read more...

Remembering Terri Schiavo: Reflections of a Health Care Warrior

We found the online publisher, LuLu, source of the story above, through an email from Audrey Ignatoff telling us about her new book on Terri Schiavo. Ignatoff is the president of Senior Arts and Systems, which provides consultation and materials on preventing drug misuse in the aging. Read more...

Wisdom of the Aged:

Click for more about this bookOctogenarian Pens Senior Survival Guide for Living With Kids

Blind for 12 years she is working on new book, too

Feb. 7, 2005 - For Margaret Rodgers, life with kids is never dull, especially when those “kids” are adult children. The 88 year-old has just published her first book, “The Other Way Home: A Guide for Seniors Who Live with Their Children.”

The book is a light-hearted look at what happens when three generations attempt to merge into one “happy family.” It offers practical advice about the joys and potential pitfalls of moving in with grown children. Read more...

Best, Cheapest Retirement Investment for Baby Boomers? Exercise!

By Ellen Freudenheim
Author of Looking Forward: An Optimist's Guide to Retirement

Jan. 21, 2005 - People are always talking about investments for retirement. Financial investments, that is. If you start treating your health as an investment, though, you could find that exercise is a terrific retirement strategy worth its weight in gold. Read more...

Bush is Selling a Trojan Horse, Says Author of 'The Looting of Social Security'

Greenspan wrote plan in 1983 that was to save Social Security

Dec. 15, 2004 - "President Bush is trying to sell his privatization proposal as a plan to save Social Security, when it is actually a clever scam designed to destroy the program that conservatives have hated since its enactment in 1935," says economist Allen W. Smith, Ph.D., author of the book, "The Looting of Social Security: How the Government is Draining America's Retirement Account." More... 12/15/04*

Publisher, Announces 2004 Children's Book Writing Contest

Leesburg, Virginia, June 16, 2004 -- GiGi Books is looking for a few good stories - and is willing to make them into audiobooks. The company announces its 2004 Children's Book Writing Contest, where the grand prize winner will walk away with a published story and $250. The story will be adapted to audio as well. Three additional winners will be chosen and their books will also be published and adapted to audio. Submissions must  be 400 words or less and received by August 1, 2004. Additional details can be found at

Older Adults, Caregivers Find Answers

``The Merck Manual of Health & Aging'' Published Today

May 18, 2004-- While most books about aging focus on how to postpone it, "The Merck Manual of Health & Aging," published today, tells the reader what changes to expect and how to deal with them, according to the publisher. For caregivers, often overwhelmed by the demands of their role and the lack of readily available information, "The Merck Manual of Health & Aging" offers essential information, useful tools and reassurance to help them along the way.
 More... 5/18/04*

Author of New Aging Book Hits Mark

Dec. 5, 2003 - Valerie VanBooven RN ,BSN, CM, only 32, has hit the mark with her new book "Aging Answers: Secrets to Successful Long-Term Care Planning, Caregiving, and Crisis Management."

If you want to know more about her book or buy it, click the link below to Amazon

Aging Answers: Secrets to Successful Long-Term Care Planning, Caregiving, and Crisis Management

Author's Website

coverClick Cover for more information from Amazon

New Book – Elder Rage – Tells How One Woman Met the Challenge of Parents with Alzheimer’s


Nov. 4, 02 – Jacqueline Marcell gave up her career as a television executive to care for her elderly parents. She says that after 40 caregivers and much stress she solved her endless crisis. Now she is promoting her book on how she did it. Click 11/04/02*


Click image for more info from Amazon

"Grandma U" Gets Good Reviews

This warm and light-hearted tale exposes the timely theme of younger, hipper, and more active grandparents who are introduced to the dos and don'ts of early grandparenting. Through new grandma main character, Molly McCool, Jeamoe Franz Ransom creates a humorous and entertaining journey full of love, laughter, and self-discovery that embraces all ages.



New Book on Sex After 60

A new book released by Balantine Books explores "the truth about aging and how it affects sexual desire." The book is "The New Love and Sex After 60" and it is an update to a book published earlier by Dr. Robert Butler and Dr. Myrna Lewis. Click 1/28/02* (if you want to order this book from Amazon, click on title: The New Love and Sex After 60

Free Reader for New PDF eBooks

Seniors are often avid book readers and the trend to ebooks is growing. Now Adobe will sell ebooks through Barnes and Noble and they are offering you a free hand-held reader. Click for Video Clip   Click for story.*1-29-01

> New Book Looks at Growing Older 12/14/00*

You can become a child again by taking a grandchild for a walk, seeing the world as he sees it, rediscovering the world that you’ve lost. 

Allergy-Free Gardening: A Book Review - Click 4/24/00*

> Reader Writes Book for Grandfathers 11/14/00*

Handbook For Grandfathers is packed with ideas and suggestions to help a grandfather get closer to his grandchildren.

> Book Review: "America the Wise" for Baby Boomers 11/1/00

Historian Theodore Roszak's new book, America the Wise (Houghton Mifflin, 1998), is a major resource for defining and focusing the mature energy that has its roots in the much maligned Sixties revolution.

> First eBook Awards 10/23/00*

The International eBook Award Foundation (IeBAF) has proudly announced the names of the winners for the inaugural Frankfurt eBook Award, the first award designed to recognize achievements in the emerging eBook industry. 

> New Book, Website Focus on Involuntary Guardianship 6/24/00*

What your need to know about protecting yourself or family from other family members.

> Book by 81-Year-Old Published on Web 6/16/00*

An eighty-one year old woman with the voice and personality of a thirty-something, has just had her first book, ``The Gutsy Generation,'' published on the Internet.