Welcome to Our Inaugural Issue

Issue 1: Ecological Truth and Transformative Action

New Earth Rising is a new e-zine from Ecological Internet committed to biocentric thought and action (read the press release). Through thoughtful original essays and other creative works based upon both ecological science and intuition, we link what is known regarding the true extent of global ecological crises with specific personal and social transformations necessary to achieve global ecological sustainability.

New Earth Rising is grounded in the ethics of biocentrism, deep ecology and political ecology -- and is concerned with equity and justice, as well as global ecological sustainability. The publication emphasizes the need for ecological science and rationalism in formulating environmental public policy; examination of the seriousness of ecological and related social issues; proposes necessary, sufficient and workable solutions involving global citizens, society and governments; and is skeptical regarding secular and religious ideologies.

The e-zine will initially publish bi-monthly, and reader submissions are welcome. You can also subscribe to be notified of new issues. Ecological Internet generally depends upon tax-deductible user donations to fund our modest operations. We have recently chosen to accept a small amount of advertising to diversify our funding. We have limited control over the ads, and different people see different ads. Please help us, and should a greenwashing, or otherwise inappropriate, ad appear, let us know and we will consider blocking it immediately. On balance, there are some good green messages and products being advertised that you may be interested in investigating.

Ecological Internet (EI) is a non-profit 501c3 that specializes in the use of the Internet to achieve environmental conservation. EI's mission is to empower the global movement for environmental sustainability by providing information retrieval tools, portal services, expert analysis and action opportunities that aid in the protection of climate, forest, ocean and water ecosystems. New Earth Rising is our newest offering to the global environmental community. [more]

Current Issue Highlights

Editorial: Ecological Truth Exists and Matters
The environment movement is failing because of a dearth of truth telling and a profound lack of ambition. Apart from…
Master Plan
Sometimes, when I survey the forces deployed against us it seems a little depressing. But now that the mighty…
Eat a Peach
Imagine a hospital bed. You’re lying on it, dying. A machine’s high-pitched alarm squeals somewhere in the background. Your heart…