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Global emissions of carbon dioxide must reach a peak in less than 10 years and then begin a rapid decline to nearly zero by 2050 to avoid catastrophic disruption to the world's climate, according to a new report. Emissions of carbon ...   
The global computing industry is starting to rival aviation in its contribution to global warming, but not yet equaling its criticism as Britain gave the green light to expand London's Heathrow airport on Thursday. The computing sector ...   
Big Coal is on a roll in the nation's capital, winning early rounds this week in what promises to be a long fight over fossil fuels and climate change. Despite a well-funded ad campaign by environmentalists attacking the industry, and a ...   
With less than a week left in office, the Bush administration announced Wednesday that new and bigger oil-shale leases would be offered in Colorado, Wyoming and Utah. Several companies have expressed interest in applying, said Matt ...   
Arne Næss, who has died aged 96, was Norway's best-known philosopher, whose concept of deep ecology enriched and divided the environmental movement. A keen mountaineer, for a quarter of his life he lived in an isolated hut high in the ...   
Environmental groups and local authorities representing nearly 8 million people have condemned the government's decision to allow plans for a third runway at Heathrow to go ahead. They say it totally destroys the government's environmental ...   
Barack Obama's new energy chief, Steven Chu, has outlined plans to strengthen support for nuclear and coal power, in a move some observers will interpret as a softening of his stance following criticism of both nuclear and coal energy made when ...   
Burning Desire, Pittsburgh City Paper
Well, this is it. If you've been waiting for a date by which we must act to have any hope of preventing the worst effects of climate change, your answer is here. And the answer is, pretty much, today.Last June, NASA's chief climate ...   
The biggest airport expansion for sixty years will be approved today when the Government gives the go ahead to a £9 billion third runway and sixth terminal at Heathrow. Ministers will attempt to appease environmental groups by pledging ...   
Lisa P. Jackson, chosen to head the Environmental Protection Agency, said at her confirmation hearing Wednesday morning that her first task would be to restore scientific and legal integrity to an agency battered by charges of political ...   
Food crops could be used to keep the Earth's temperatures down and slow global warming, say scientists. By growing plants that can reflect more of the sun's radiation back into space, parts of Europe and North America could be cooled by 1°C in ...   
The UK government’s decision to expand Heathrow airport, announced today, is a serious threat to the fight against global climate change. At full capacity, an expanded Heathrow airport would become the biggest single source of carbon emissions in ...   
One Billion Cars And Counting, National Public Radio
Transportation expert Daniel Sperling estimates that the world's car population — which currently stands at one billion vehicles — is likely to double in the next 20 years.Sperling is the co-author (with Deborah Gordon) of Two Billion ...   
A climate protection treaty meant to succeed Kyoto will be negotiated at a summit in Copenhagen this December. But the UN says it's having serious trouble preparing for the event -- because the body has outgrown the office space provided to its ...   
A coalition of some of the world's largest companies has thrown its weight behind president-elect Barack Obama's plans for an emissions cap-and-trade scheme, with the publication of a blueprint detailing how the US can cut emissions by 80 per ...   
With concern about energy costs and environmental sustainability now widespread, people are less likely to snicker when others talk about “green living”. Whether the intent is to reduce their ecological footprint or to seek greater value for ...   
Africa's harbour cities of Cape Town, Lagos and Alexandria are under threat from rising sea levels which could displace millions and cause massive economic losses, scientists said Wednesday. Speaking at an international climate change ...   
The most detailed proposal yet by industry and environmentalists to reduce U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions will call for raising the costs of new coal plants and rewarding nations for protecting forests. Rio Tinto Group, General Electric ...   
It looks a lot like someone hit the snooze button on North American action to address climate change.The Harper government made an early and enthusiastic pitch for a market-based carbon cap-and-trade scheme -- one day after Barack Obama's ...   
Globalisation and climate change will spread animal diseases even faster and Europe should step up efforts to protect people's health and income, France's farm minister said."We must prepare ourselves to face more and more emerging ...   
State crackdowns on polluters during Ted Kulongoski`s reign as governor have been timid or even toothless, according to many critics. The governor`s early bid for a signature environmental achievement ---- cleaning up the Willamette ...   
A year-old voluntary programme to gather information about the safety of nanotechnology materials has left significant gaps in the knowledge needed to regulate them, according to an interim report issued by the Environmental Protection ...   
The go-ahead has been given for a third runway at Heathrow, Transport Secretary Geoff Hoon has told MPs. The confirmation of the expansion comes despite opposition from residents, environmentalists and MPs. Mr Hoon outlined a ...   
Germany's two largest power companies joined forces yesterday and announced an ambitious plan to build at least four nuclear reactors in the UK at an estimated cost of £20 billion. The plants, the first of which is set to enter service ...   
The failure of the government's upcoming emissions trading scheme to recognise investments business have already made in renewable energy is threatening to alienate some of the UK's most high profile green business pioneers, with critics accusing ...   

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