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RF and Optics Microsystem Applications

RF & Optic Applications | More RF & Optic Applications | SAW Device Applications

We provide designs, computer simulations, and microsystem prototypes for customer applications. We focus on RF and micro-optic components and microsystems, as well as specialty radiation micro-detectors. Our historic customers include nuclear weapons, subsystem departments, and non-proliferation agencies.


We provide value to system and subsystem developers by:

  • Identifying and qualifying high performance RF & Optics components
  • Designing and simulating RF & optics circuits and Microsystems
  • Inventing microsensors, components, and circuits for cutting-edge applications

Typically, systems groups' projects are based on established technologies and require only a small percentage of our unique, custom work.

RF Miniaturization

RF Tag proof of concept

This High Density Interconnect (HDI) module is an RF Tag proof of concept, which uses devices that are typically used in in Transmit/Receive (T/R) modules or RF tags. This module contains four active monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) and eight passive structures. The passive structures include, microstrip lines, co-plainer wave guides, buried microstrip lines, a coupled line bandpass filter and a broadside coupled line coupler.

Please address comments or questions to Dave Palmer .