
Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place

You can save yourself a lot of time and energy by checking out the following informational sources. These will help you in planting the right tree in the right place!

Where You Plant Matters
To go through an informative tutorial on tree planting considerations and information on how to plan, plant and protect your tree planting, click here. The tutorial is an extract of LADWP's Residential Tree Workshop, a component of the Trees for a Green LA program.

What You Plant Matters
The Million Trees LA initiative has identified more than 50 tree species that are environmentally friendly and suitable to the Southern California climate. Click here to answer nine questions that will help you select your one-in-a-million tree.

Report Tree Planting
Once you've planted a tree(s), please make sure to come back to to let us know how many trees you planted and where. To report a tree planting now, go to "Report Tree Planting".

Other Tree Planting Sources of Interest
For a list of other tree planting related sources, click here.