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Microsystems Science, Technology & Components Overview

Integrated Microsystem's Vision: Technology for Today, Foundation for the Future


The Integrated Circuit
Less than 30 years ago, the modern industrial world was energized and placed onto a path of higher economic prosperity due to the creation of the integrated circuit (IC).


With ICs, engineers could build complex electronic devices which were smaller, faster, cheaper and more reliable than the assemblies of discrete components they replaced.

Without this technology, the personal computer, modern (intelligent) home appliances, a variety of games, and even the modern fuel-efficient and clean automobile would not exist.


Sandia's Microrobot


On the Verge of Another Prosperity Revolution
Today, we may be on the verge of another prosperity revolution, not unlike that driven by the introduction of the IC.

The new technology which may drive this prosperity is based on the intelligent, integrated microsystem.

These microsystems will create a device which has the combined ability to sense it’s surroundings (chemical, physical, etc.), "think about" the data it has sensed, act on that data and then communicate its actions, or information for the action of others, to the outside world.

All of this capability can be built onto a single "chip" of silicon and placed into a very small, low power package. These devices will be cheap to build and will be remarkably reliable.

To achieve the vision of an intelligent, integrated microsystem, we must capitalize on key developments which have been made, and others which still need to be made, in microsensors, logic circuits, micromachines, and advanced communications (wireless - optical and /or microwave).

The applications of these devices, from medical treatment, to anti-terrorism, to the health monitoring of complex engineering systems may revolutionize our future world.

This web site describes our work in the basic underlying technologies required to realize the intelligent, integrated microsystem vision and discusses a variety of exciting possible applications.

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