world news
Gen Y craves food involvement and bold flavours
January 16, 2009

Gen Y, the largest demographic group in history, is passionate about big flavours that pack a punch, according to new research. They are drawn to bold and complex flavours that turn mealtime into a culinary trip around the world. According to a recent study by the Center for Culinary Development (CCD) exploring Gen Y’s attitudes and eating behaviors, more than 50 per cent eat global foods and 46 per cent like to layer flavours and customise recipes. For the well-cultivated palates of this influential... Read more »

Consumer group takes Coca-Cola to court for alleged deception
January 16, 2009

The Coca-Cola Company has been served notice of a class action lawsuit from an American consumer group and a San Fransisco customer amid accusations of “deceptive and unsubstantiated claims” on its glaceau vitaminwater line of beverages. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) argues that The Coca-Cola Company “makes a wide range of dramatic claims, including that its drinks variously reduce the risk of chronic disease, reduce the risk of eye disease, promote healthy... Read more »

Cadbury adds milk allergy warning label to “Dairy Milk” chocolate
January 16, 2009

Cadbury, the world’s second largest confectioner, will add a warning label to their popular Dairy Milk chocolate products, ensuring consumers are aware they contain milk. The decision has been made by the British-based confectioner to ensure they do not fall foul of allergy warning label requirements. The decision has been met with the complaint that it is a symbol of society going too far in its bid for political correctness. After all, Dairy Milk chocolate has milk in its brand name, shows... Read more »

Coca-Cola opens largest bottle-to-bottle recycling plant
January 16, 2009

The Coca-Cola Company and United Resource Recovery Corporation (URRC) have launched the world’s largest plastic bottle-to-bottle recycling plant in the US state of South Carolina. Coca-Cola said the new plant would be a key in their quest to recycle and reuse 100 per cent of their cans and bottles in America. When fully operational, the plant will produce approximately 100 million pounds of food-grade recycled PET plastic each year - the equivalent of nearly two billion 20-ounce Coca-Cola bottles.... Read more »

Menu calorie counts to be introduced in the UK
January 16, 2009

Following the example of New York City and the state of California, the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) is launching the first phase of its plan to introduce nutrition information in a range of catering outlets. The FSA is wanting to see more consistent nutrition information for consumers at the point they make a decision about what they eat out of home and announced that the first step will be the introduction of calorie labelling. A similar plan may be unveiled in Australia later this year,... Read more »

Shoppers spending more on groceries but buying less, private label evolving
January 15, 2009

American research suggests consumer habits are shifting toward thrifty grocery spending but away from more extreme belt-tightening measures seen last year. The American economy has entered the third stage of its unprecedented transformation and will be characterised by shoppers permanently changing several of their most important rituals involved in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) products they select, purchase and use, according to the “Transforming Economy 3.0: The Search for Affordable... Read more »

Animal welfare increasingly important when buying food
January 15, 2009

British shoppers are becoming increasingly engaged with standards of animal welfare when purchasing food, according to research into consumer behaviour from international food and grocery expert IGD. One-fifth of shoppers (20%) now say that knowing about the standards of animal welfare has become one of their key drivers of product choice, which is up from 13% in 2008, according to Shopper Trends 2009, IGD’s latest research. When asked about concerns they have relating to food production,... Read more »

Pizza Hut to make transition to natural ingredients
January 15, 2009

Pizza Hut, the world’s largest pizza franchise, is launching the first stage in a menu-wide transition to pizzas made entirely from natural ingredients in the US. The new pizzas will provide their customers the opportunity to have pizza free from artificial preservatives, colours and flavours, they advised. The notion of ‘natural’ has been a popular one in the food industry over the last couple of years, with research released yesterday suggesting that “natural” was... Read more »

Top global retail trends for 2009
January 14, 2009

Professional services firm Deloitte has outlined the likely responses of retailers this year as financial worries continue to restrict confidence. In their 2009 Global Powers of Retail report, in which Wal-Mart again came out on top with Australia’s Coles and Woolworths both finding a spot in the top 30 global retailers, Deloitte suggests successful retailers will find a way to enhance the customer experience, while also improving risk management systems. Cut costs On a global level, many retailers... Read more »

Global market for omega-3 enhanced food and beverage products grows by a third
January 14, 2009

A unique “healthy halo” is driving the flourishing global market for food and beverage products enhanced with omega fatty acids, according to new research, published overnight. The ‘halo’ is characterised by enhanced public awareness of omega fatty acid compounds, their proven scientific and health benefits, consumer willingness to purchase products that contain them, and positive media exposure. In the report, Omega Fatty Acids: Trends in the Worldwide Food and Beverage Markets,... Read more »