
Why Get Involved?

The City of Los Angeles currently has a tree canopy cover of 21%. The national average for tree canopy cover is 27%.   Help us make L. A. greener.

We must plant more trees because:

One million trees …

… can save $10 million in annual energy costs each year in Los Angeles.

By planting four trees at your home, you can save up to 30% on summer cooling costs.

… can remove 2,240,000 pounds of air pollutants annually in Los Angeles, and save $23 million per year in air pollution clean up costs.
… can capture 1,925,000,000 gallons of stormwater per year, which decreases both polluted runoff and soil and hill erosion and would save $5 million in annual stormwater runoff costs.

40,000 trees...

… planted in commercial parking lots and along commercial corridor streets can induce shoppers to spend 12% more for goods and services.

One tree…

… planted in the front yard can increase the property value of your home by 1%.

Planting 4,000 trees – one per home -- would add $20 million to the combined resale value of those homes.

… will give you $2.80 in benefits for every $1.00 spent on your tree – which produces a 280% return on your investment.

Trees also…

  • Absorb noise
  • Calm traffic
  • Reduce stress
  • Increase property values
  • Stabilize a city's economy

  • Trees are the only utility that increases in value as it ages.