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  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
PackagePlatformVersionModule Docs
ABINIT franklin 5.4.4* abinit/5.4 NERSCVendor
ABINIT jacquard 5.4.4* abinit/5.4 NERSCVendor
(*) Denotes limited support


ABINIT ABINIT is a DFT code which calculates the total energy, charge density and electronic structure for molecules and periodic solids, using pseudopotentials and a planewave basis. In addition to many other features, it provides the time dependant DFT, or many-body puturbation theory (GW approximation) to compute the excited states.

Running on Franklin

There are two ways of running abinit on franklin, submitting a batch job, or running interactively in an interactive batch session.
1) Sample batch script to run abinit on franklin:

#PBS -N myjob 
#PBS -q debug
#PBS -l mppwidth=8
#PBS -l walltime=00:30:00
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -V 

module load abinit 

aprun -n 16 abinip < test.files >& test.log 

Then submit the job script using qsub command, eg., assume the job script name is test_abinit.pbs,
% qsub  test_abinit.pbs 

2) To request an interactive batch session, issue a command (eg., requesting 8 PEs):
% qsub  -I -V -q interactive -l mppwidth=8 
when a new batch session is returned to you, issue the following commands:
%  cd  $PBS_O_WORKDIR  
%  module load  abinit  
%  module load  acml  
%  aprun  -n 16 abinip < test.files >& test.log  

Running on Jacquard

A sample batch script for Jacquard:
#PBS -S /usr/bin/tcsh
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=2,walltime=0:30:00
#PBS -N vasptest
#PBS -j oe 
#PBS -q debug

module load abinit 
module load acml

mpirun -np 4 $pathToAbinit/abinip < test.files >& test.log 

Where the $pathToAbinit, eg., is /usr/common/usg/abinit/5.4/bin for the current defult version abint/5.4.

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