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Home > News > News Releases > 2008 News Releases


2008 News Releases

December 23, 2008
Numbers of Nuclear Engineering Graduates and Enrollees on the Rise

October 6, 2008
ORISE Achieves National Recognition as a DOE ‘Legacy of Stars’ Site

September 3, 2008
Raccoon Road is Now ORAU Way; Oak Ridge Associated Universities Celebrates New Street Name

July 11, 2008
Nobel Laureates Talk Physics with Brightest Young Scientists at Conference in Lindau, Germany

May 2, 2008
REAC/TS Collaborating with UT, ACMT to Offer New Training Course

April 7, 2008
Rate of Foreign Doctorate Recipients Who Stay in the U.S. has Declined Slightly in Recent Years, According to Report

March 20, 2008
Amidon Named ORAU Director of Safeguards and Security


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Pam Bonee
Director, Communications

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