
Smithsonian researchers have been able to touch the lives of people throughout the world.

The audience is as diverse as children and teachers at schools in both United States inner cities and remote rural communities in developing countries, coffee farmers in Latin America, citizens in suburban neighborhoods, and heads of Federal agencies.

Speaker's Bureau

Smithsonian ornithologists are available to a variety of talks.

List of talks and contact information


National Museum of Natural History

National Zoological Park

Smithsonian Tropical Research Center

Citizen Science Programs

Teaching people about bird biology as we learn how different land uses affect breeding bird populations.

Neighborhood Nestwatch

Classroom Education Programs

A cross-cultural environmental education program that links elementary school classes across the hemisphere and uses neotropical migratory birds as a theme to enhance environmental and cultural awareness.

Bridging the Americas

Outreach to Policymakers

White papers including comprehensive analyses of shade grown coffee issues and sustainable cacao production.

Coffee, Conservation, and Commerce

Cacao Cultivation and the Conservation of Biological Diversity