Big Day Results 2007

Team photoThe Smithsonian team, from left to right, Chris Milensky, Dave Ziolkowski, Mike Braun, and Gregory Gough, attempted to find as many different kinds of birds as they could within the boundaries of Washington, D.C. on May 5, 2007 as part of a fundraising effort for Smithsonian Ornithology.

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The day began at 4 a.m. in Rock Creek Park with the search for owls and other nocturnal birds. The waterfront area, including Hains Point, Constitution Gardens, and Poplar Point was visited early in the morning in a quest for skittish waterbirds and the Arboretum, especially the magnificent Azalea Garden, was quite productive for a variety of migratory songbirds. Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens provided some unique water and field birds and the day finished as it began, at Rock Creek Park.

Birdwatching in an urban center like Washington provides some unique experiences, our first ovenbird (a bird of the forest interior) of the day was singing loudly from a manicured hedgerow in front of the Pan American Building, seemingly oblivious to the sea of concrete around it. A foraging robin just would not get out of the path at the Arboretum and a very hungry red-shouldered hawk swooped down to the lawn right beside us and tried to catch a frog at the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens.

This effort was aided greatly by the generous support of our corporate sponsors, Bushnell Outdoor Products and Land Rover of Alexandria.

This event helped raise vital funds to help Smithsonian ornithologists train the next generation of scientists and to study and protect birds throughout the world.

You can still help us by pledging, follow the link below.

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