IAWF Scholarship recipients for 2008

The International Association of Wildland Fire is pleased to announce that it has awarded its’ scholarships for 2008 to two students in Canada and The Netherlands. These scholarships, each worth $2,500 USD, are designated for Master of Science or PhD. students studying wildland fire or wildland fire-related topics.

Kara Yedinak, a PhD. Student at Washington State University in Pullman, Washington, received one of the scholarships. Kara has worked for the last four years on laboratory experiments and model development which look at answering some of the fundamental questions in fire behavior science. Her PhD. research will involve evaluation and application of a coupled atmosphere-fire model to better understand the role of fire with regards to air quality.

Cathelijne R. Stoof, a PhD. student at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, received the other scholarship. Cathelijne has been working on soils and hydrology combining field, lab and modeling approaches in the Netherlands and abroad. In her PhD research she uses a multiscale approach to explain post-fire erosion and flooding events by studying the effects of fire on soil water movement.

More information is available on our scholarships page on our web site, including photos, previous scholarship winners, and information about the 2009 program.

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