1. Cornering the Composition

2. What’s the Story?

3. A Little Off-Center

1. Cornering the Composition

Begin by taking a look at Carracci's 1590 painting:

Next, answer the following questions about the compositional shape of Carracci’s painting:

Look at the line drawing of Carraci’s painting and draw the compositional shape of the painting. Now, consider what is going on in Carracci’s painting: what is the "story?"

Think about what kinds of emotions this composition evokes as you answer the following questions:

2. What’s the Story?

View the following image:

You can access a diagram of the painting here. Work together with your group to create hypotheses to answer the following question:

Continue to work together in the same small groups to answer the following questions:

3. A Little Off-Center

Begin by taking a look at the following painting:

Next, answer the following questions about Kirchner’s painting:

You can access a line drawing of the painting here. Working in your group, answer the following questions:

Now, read the information on Die Brücke movement accessible through Art Safari.

Kirchner was a founding member of the German art movement Die Brücke, meaning "The Bridge." Die Brücke artists were a parallel movement to the French Fauve movement (fauve is French for "wild animal" or "beast"). Die Brücke movement began in the first years of the twentieth century and continued until around the close of World War I. Many works by Die Brücke artists focused on the distinction between life in the city and life in the country.

One of Die Brücke’s main philosophical foundations was to implement a new social order in which art and life would be integrated. Students might think about the time period and consider how the desire to meld art and life was a possible reaction to social changes taking place as a result of the industrial revolution.

Many adherents to Die Brücke movement pursued bohemian lifestyles, refuting the strict social order. The group’s writings often called for the repudiation of society’s bourgeois values.