Coca-Cola opens largest bottle-to-bottle recycling plant
January 16, 2009

The Coca-Cola Company and United Resource Recovery Corporation (URRC) have launched the world’s largest plastic bottle-to-bottle recycling plant in the US state of South Carolina. Coca-Cola said the new plant would be a key in their quest to recycle and reuse 100 per cent of their cans and bottles in America. When fully operational, the plant will produce approximately 100 million pounds of food-grade recycled PET plastic each year - the equivalent of nearly two billion 20-ounce Coca-Cola bottles.... ...Read more »

For food and drink launches in 2008 “natural” reigned supreme
January 14, 2009

In 2008, food and beverage claims classified as “Natural” - including all natural, no preservatives, organic and wholegrain - were the most frequently featured on new products globally, according to Mintel’s Global New Products Database (GNPD). Claims of ‘fortified products’, on the other hand, took a hit, while declarations of “low” (e.g. low-fat) stagnated. Almost one in every four (23%) launches last year had “Natural”, a nine per cent rise... ...Read more »

Calls for clearer food labelling
January 8, 2009

British Environment Secretary Hilary Benn has called on supermarkets and food companies to give shoppers clearer information on where their food comes from.He made the call as he urged people to buy more local produce and stressed that protecting the environment is vital to increasing food production. “When you buy a car you know its service history. When you buy a house you get a detailed survey. So why do we accept knowing so much less about what we are putting into our bodies?” Mr... ...Read more »

New initiative invites UK grocery shoppers to limit environmental impact
January 7, 2009

British supermarket chain Waitrose are inviting to combine penny saving and healthy New Year’s resolutions with a new green shopping initiative. The supermarket is encouraging its customers to cycle to stores as an alternative to using cars by loaning cycle trailers. During January and February, 21 branches across the England are introducing cycle trailers, which will allow customers to transport their shopping home using pedal power. Equipped with large canvas shopping bags, the trailers are... ...Read more »

Value, convenience, health and environmental sustainability in demand amongst restaurant customers
January 5, 2009

Research released by the National Restaurant Association shows that Americans are looking for healthier options and “greener” restaurants when they dine out, in addition to an increased interest in value and convenience. Surveys of restaurant operators, customers and chefs indicate that restaurateurs will sharpen their appeal in 2009 in these areas and that restaurants’ responsiveness to customers’ preferences will drive these industry trends, according to the Association’s... ...Read more »

Corporate social responsibility to be rewarded by consumers
December 29, 2008

New research has discovered that German consumers, like an increasing number of consumers in countries like Australia and England, are demanding greater corporate responsibility from companies. Such conduct on the part of companies influences the purchase decisions of consumers. This is the conclusion reached by a survey carried out by GfK Panel Services in cooperation with GfK-Nürnberg e.V. and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. The survey looked at the attitudes of consumers towards issues such... ...Read more »

UK supermarkets commit to 50 per cent cut in plastic bag use
December 19, 2008

Britain’s leading supermarkets have agreed to a 50 per cent reduction in the number of carrier bags given out by spring next year. The government agreement with the British Retail Consortium (BRC) covers seven of Britain’s major supermarket chains. The reduction will be compared to the base year of 2006 when around 13 billion bags were used by consumers in the UK. The number of bags saved by spring next year, if the target is met, through this agreement would fill 60 Olympic-sized swimming... ...Read more »

Australian and New Zealand wine companies invited to take part in pioneering global initiative
December 19, 2008

As the global trend towards bulk wine exportation and the use of lighter weight bottles continues to grow, a groundbreaking cross-industry project led by UK government-funded WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) is seeking partners from Australia and New Zealand, who are involved in supplying wine to the UK, to take part in this new global initiative. The project has already achieved considerable cost and environmental benefits across the UK market. With the UK currently representing the... ...Read more »

AFGC concerned about emissions target
December 15, 2008

The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC), the nation’s peak body representing food and grocery manufacturers, believes the Federal Government’s plans to cut greenhouse emissions by between 5 and 15 per cent by 2020 still has the potential to compromise the domestic and international competitiveness of Australia’s largest manufacturing industry. The government’s White Paper was released today, with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd indicating the plan to cut emissions by at least... ...Read more »

Ten trends to watch in packaged goods in 2009
December 10, 2008

With 2009 nearly upon us, look for new product marketers to make the year interesting with beauty foods and drinks, detox products and concentrated liquid cleaners that cut costs and help the environment. Datamonitor’s Product Launch Analytics takes a look at these and other trends in consumer packaged goods for the coming year. Nuts About Nuts (and seeds) It wasn’t all that long ago that consumers were told to avoid nuts. Too much fat, the experts said. Well, the experts have reversed... ...Read more »

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