Top global retail trends for 2009
January 14, 2009

Professional services firm Deloitte has outlined the likely responses of retailers this year as financial worries continue to restrict confidence. In their 2009 Global Powers of Retail report, in which Wal-Mart again came out on top with Australia’s Coles and Woolworths both finding a spot in the top 30 global retailers, Deloitte suggests successful retailers will find a way to enhance the customer experience, while also improving risk management systems. Cut costs On a global level, many retailers... ...Read more »

New initiative invites UK grocery shoppers to limit environmental impact
January 7, 2009

British supermarket chain Waitrose are inviting to combine penny saving and healthy New Year’s resolutions with a new green shopping initiative. The supermarket is encouraging its customers to cycle to stores as an alternative to using cars by loaning cycle trailers. During January and February, 21 branches across the England are introducing cycle trailers, which will allow customers to transport their shopping home using pedal power. Equipped with large canvas shopping bags, the trailers are... ...Read more »

Petrol price fall is grocers’ gain
January 7, 2009

Groceries are the top item on which American consumers are spending their savings from lower fuel prices, ahead of putting the money in savings, holiday gift buying and paying off credit cards, according to the results of nationwide research from retail analytics firm Precima. The study also discovered that fresh produce quality was the primary category which influenced switching between supermarkets. Of the 3,013 consumers who were asked to choose from a list of ways they use money saved on gas,... ...Read more »

Top 5 American restaurant trends for 2009
January 6, 2009

US restaurants may be facing the toughest new year in recent memory, but opportunities are still present for operators that know how to focus their efforts where it really counts - on the consumer. Australian restaurants have not been hit as hard as those in America as our economy has, to-date, held up much better than the American economy. Tracking consumer trends, however, is as important for Australian restaurants, with the coming year to see more of a “buyer’s market” than 2008... ...Read more »

Value, convenience, health and environmental sustainability in demand amongst restaurant customers
January 5, 2009

Research released by the National Restaurant Association shows that Americans are looking for healthier options and “greener” restaurants when they dine out, in addition to an increased interest in value and convenience. Surveys of restaurant operators, customers and chefs indicate that restaurateurs will sharpen their appeal in 2009 in these areas and that restaurants’ responsiveness to customers’ preferences will drive these industry trends, according to the Association’s... ...Read more »

Food trends 2009: comfort food to be prominent
January 2, 2009

Spotting trends in food is essential to understanding what food consumers are doing now and more importantly may be doing in the future. ‘thefoodpeople‘, a British-based food consultancy, split their food trend predictions into “mega trends” - which are already apparent within the market - and also “emerging trends” that are just starting to take hold.”The big trends for 2009 include comfort food, nostalgia, scratch cooking and home baking as consumers want... ...Read more »

Corporate social responsibility to be rewarded by consumers
December 29, 2008

New research has discovered that German consumers, like an increasing number of consumers in countries like Australia and England, are demanding greater corporate responsibility from companies. Such conduct on the part of companies influences the purchase decisions of consumers. This is the conclusion reached by a survey carried out by GfK Panel Services in cooperation with GfK-Nürnberg e.V. and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. The survey looked at the attitudes of consumers towards issues such... ...Read more »

American consumers swarm to chicken, meat branding becoming important
December 26, 2008

American consumers have trimmed their consumption of beef, veal and turkey since 1996; while the $66 billion beef sector still rules the roost, chicken was increasingly what’s for dinnerin 2008. Chicken sales winged up 6.7% in 2008, three times the overall growth rate for retail and foodservice meat, according to The Fresh Meat Market in the U.S.: Beef, Chicken, Pork, Turkey and Lamb in Retail and Foodservice, a new research report just released by Packaged Facts. Chicken was also good for... ...Read more »

Restaurant food trends 2009
December 22, 2008

A survey of more than 1,600 professional chefs - members of the American Culinary Federation (ACF) - has revealed that nutrition and philosophy-driven food choices will be the hottest trends on restaurant menus in 2009, America’s National Restaurant Association reports. Local produce, bite-size desserts, organics, healthy kids’ meals, and new cuts of meat top the list of nearly 210 culinary items in the third annual “What’s Hot” chef survey. Rounding out the top 10... ...Read more »

Sports drink growth gathers pace as new launches drive sales
December 12, 2008

Global consumption of sports drinks increased 5.9 per cent to 11,582 million litres in 2007, according to the new Global Sports Drinks report from food and drink consultancy Zenith International. North America retained their position as the largest sports drinks market, with a 48% volume share. Yet it was emerging regions, particularly East Europe and the Middle East, that experienced the most impressive growth rates.”In well developed markets, momentum has been driven by consumer interest... ...Read more »

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