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MEMS Courses (SAMPLES Program)

The Sandia MEMS Introductory Short Course includes two and one-half days of presentations and workshops. Topics range from general — MEMS fabrication techniques and applications — to specific — SUMMiT™ technology and design. Workshop sessions introduce participants to device characterization and testing, design concepts, design, and the layout and visualization tools for Sandia's SUMMiT™ Process fabrication.

The Sandia MEMS Advanced Design Short Course equips participants to successfully design MEMS devices to be fabricated in the SUMMiT™ Process. The prerequisites are completion of the Sandia MEMS Introductory Short Course, prior use of AutoCAD™ software, and interest in designing MEMS devices specifically for SUMMiT™ Process fabrication. The course is two and one-half days of presentations and workshops.

The Sandia MEMS Reliability Short Course covers a wide range of advanced topics important to those wishing to produce reliable, working MEMS devices. In addition to the three primary areas of design, operation, and materials, various helpful methods of testing and analysis are described in detail. Prior completion of the Sandia MEMS Introductory Short Course is recommended. The course is two and one-half days of presentations and workshops.

Microsystem Lectures

Introduction to Microtechnologies and Microsystems is an easy-to-understand introduction to the exciting world of microtechnologies (microelectronics, optoelectronics, micromachines, microsensors) and microsystems. The lecture was created using Microsoft Producer. It is 1 hour and 20 minutes long. Please refer to the linked web page for Producer's specific requirements.

University Alliance

  • Offers maximum exposure to SUMMiT™ technology
  • Uses Sandia's MEMS design tools in degree-level MEMS curriculums
  • Leverages components of the SAMPLES™ Program, including...
    • Educational short courses
    • Shrink-wrapped software tools for design, visualization, and modeling of SUMMiT™ MEMS devices
  • Trains a university Superuser, establishing a SUMMiT™ technology and design expert at your institution


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