Worksheet for Assessing Current Preventive Services

Preventive Services Provided

What preventive care do we currently provide our patients?



Do we provide preventive services for which each patient is eligible?



What services are we documenting?




Existing Systems for Providing Preventive Services

What policies and procedures do we have in place for providing preventive services?



What forms and systems are we using?



How does our current physical environment support or inhibit our delivery of preventive services?



What preventive services delivery systems have worked? Why?



What preventive services delivery systems have not worked? Why?



What can we do differently?



Will the PPIP system duplicate the work we are already doing?




Staff Roles

What functions do staff currently serve in the provision of preventive care?



Who is documenting the delivery of preventive services?




Patient Flow

How does our current patient flow support or inhibit our delivery of preventive services?




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