Catering listed among risky sectors for 2009
January 15, 2009

Amidst global financial meltdown and looming job losses, businesses - and employees - are apprehensive about what’s in store for 2009. Business information analysts IBISWorld have compiled a list of the “riskiest” industries this year, as well as those which are likely to be safe despite turbulent economic times.While the risk forecasts take historical data into account, they largely look ahead and consider vital information about the dynamic business environment and influencing... ...Read more »

Organic producers consider options as credit crunch takes its toll
January 5, 2009

A number of organic producers in the UK have been forced to consider the prospect of losing their certification as high costs and falling demand bite and are looking at ways to sacrifice organic certification for only a short period of time. Organic feed costs for producers are estimated to be about double that of non-organic feed in the UK and some producers are beginning to struggle. Organic Farmers & Growers (OFG) disputed claims from UK newspapers that it has asked for organic standards to... ...Read more »

British consumers continue discount supermarket push
December 31, 2008

As the financial crisis continues to bite, cash-strapped British consumers are turning to discount supermarkets such as German giant Aldi to cut the surge in the cost of living, industry analysts say. Britons, widely-known for their devoted predilection for big-selling supermarkets such as Waitrose and Sainsbury’s, have begun looking elsewhere due to the rising increase in food costs. And with the festive season just around the corner, discounters are moving upscale, introducing organic, value-added... ...Read more »

Economic fears force UK supermarkets to create back-up supplier plans
December 16, 2008

Concerns about the future of some food suppliers in the UK has caused Britain’s leading retailers to create emergency plans in case suppliers collapse, according to The Observer. The impact of losing suppliers can be extensive, with a loss of one major supplier creating a major headache for supermarkets. “The worst thing for a supermarket is for a supplier to go under, because you are left with a big hole and investing in a new one is a big deal,” a Tesco spokesman said, according... ...Read more »

Freeze on hiring has begun as caution takes hold, but most still expect results to meet expectations
December 15, 2008

The number of Australian and New Zealand organisations that are planning to freeze staff levels or cut back has trebled since March, according to management consulting firm Hay Group’s latest Global Employee Pay and Staffing Survey. Seventeen per cent of the Australian and New Zealand firms polled said they would cut jobs, while 27 per cent plan to keep employee levels steady. Fifty-three per cent of may change previously-established budgets to increase base salaries in 2009, while 24 per... ...Read more »

Where will next year take us?
December 8, 2008

A no-frills, back-to-basics attitude is set to be taking by consumers, manufacturers and retailers alike next year as consumers and businesses opt for caution in the face of economic fears, Nielsen advised in their latest edition of Consumer Insights. This will see many consumers focus on “going green” only when the cost is right, national brands fight back against private label with innovation in product design and packaging, and increased sales of products useful for ‘coooking... ...Read more »

UK’s largest grocer sees growth slow but “discounter” products help lure 300,000
December 3, 2008

Tesco, Britain’s largest retailer, has seen sales growth fall in the face of more intense competition and a struggling economy, but still remains positive about the future. The company, which is the market leader in the grocery sector in the UK, reported overall sales growth of 11.7% in the third quarter, but this was largely due to their international expansion - which some have credited with taking their focus away from their primary market. The company did note their food and grocery sector... ...Read more »

Pubs heighten focus on food
November 27, 2008

Pub owners are enhancing their food offering to counter the impact of smoking bans and falling consumer demand on gaming revenues and patronage, according to a recent survey. A survey by Colliers International of pub/hotel operators in October discovered that gaming had taken a hit in the past year, with operators strengthening their food offering to make up for the lost revenue and improve their revenue mix. The survey found bar sales remained the key to most businesses, with gaming trailing in... ...Read more »

Grocery, convenience retailers to benefit as consumers stay home more often
November 21, 2008

Despite a fragile economy, American consumers continue to see alcoholic beverages as an affordable indulgence. The Nielsen Company offers its outlook on alcoholic beverage trends as the critical holiday season approaches: Restaurants and Bars Hurting With consumers staying in and entertaining at home more often, the on-premise sector - restaurants, bars and nightclubs - is facing serious challenges. Consumers are going out to eat less often, as evidenced by a recent Nielsen survey, where two-thirds... ...Read more »

Consumers struggle to recall new products as gloom dampens message impact
November 19, 2008

Recession “crunches” new product recall to all-time low in the US as consumers seek comfort in familiar brands, though twists on familiar foods were among the most memorable. Advertisers and brand managers have new challenges to face as consumers are less aware of new product launches than ever before. That’s the key finding from the seventh annual Most Memorable New Product Launch Survey (MMNPL) in the US, conducted by Schneider Associates, Mintel International and IRI. When asked... ...Read more »

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