NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

PDSF Configurations of Hardware Systems

The PDSF is a networked system of UNIX workstations and data storage facilities used to carry out large scale computational requirements of High Energy Physics and Nuclear Science investigations. Attractive features of the system include:

  • Significant CPU power
  • Large data storage capacity
  • Environment capable of implementing parallel processing schemes
  • Flexibility towards expansion and upgrades as production needs grow

Note: The content of this page describes the PDSF facility as it currently exists with additional notes covering the expected evolution of the operation.

Also Note: The PDSF is a constantly growing and evolving system. There are alway some test machines in the cluster to test compatibility of new hardware and software. Also new hardware that is purchased for PDSF goes through a burn in time before being added to the cluster. This helps ensure minimal downtime. Test hardware has bolded names in the description section.

PDSF System Components

PDSF System Diagrams

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