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  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

HPSS Project Directory Request Form

Use this form to request an HPSS project directory. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Here are some guidelines for completing this form:

  • The requester name, login name, e-mail address, and phone number should be those of the user filling out this form.
  • The project directory administrator will have administrative privileges and responsibilities for the project directory. This user must have the NIM role of PI, PI Proxy, or Project Manager. If left blank, the requester will become the project directory administrator.
  • The sponsoring repository will typically be that of the requester, although that is not a requirement.
  • Due to NIM conventions, the project directory name is limited to no more than 8 characters. If left blank, the sponsoring repository will be used for the project directory name.
  • If a file group is not specified, the name of the directory will be used for the file group.
HPSS Project Directory Request Form
* Requester name:
* Login name (username):
* E-mail address:
* Phone number:
Project directory administrator:
* Sponsoring repository:
Desired project directory name:
Unix file group:

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