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Maternal, Infant, and Child Health



Modifications to Objectives and Subobjectives

Progress Toward Healthy People 2010 Targets

Progress Toward Elimination of Health Disparities

Opportunities and Challenges

Emerging Issues

Progress Quotient Chart

Disparities Table (See below)

Race and Ethnicity

Gender and Education

Income, Location, and Disability

Objectives and Subobjectives


Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

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Midcourse Review  >  Table of Contents  >  Focus Area 16: Maternal, Infant, and Child Health  >  Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas
Midcourse Review Healthy People 2010 logo
Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Focus Area 16

Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

1. Access to Quality Health Services
1-1. Persons with health insurance
1-4. Source of ongoing care
1-5. Usual primary care provider
1-6. Difficulties or delays in obtaining needed health care
1-9. Hospitalization for ambulatory-care-sensitive conditions
1-12. Single toll-free number for poison control centers
1-13. Trauma systems
1-14. Special needs of children

6. Disability and Secondary Conditions
6-2. Feelings and depression among children with disabilities
6-7. Congregate care of children and adults with disabilities
6-9. Inclusion of children and youth with disabilities in regular education programs

7. Educational and Community-Based Programs
7-1. High school completion
7-2. School health education
7-4. School nurse-to-student ratio

8. Environmental Health
8-11. Elevated blood lead levels in children
8-20. School policies to protect against environmental hazards
8-22. Lead-based paint testing

9. Family Planning
9-2. Birth spacing
9-7. Adolescent pregnancy
9-8. Abstinence before age 15 years
9-9. Abstinence among adolescents aged 15 to 17 years
9-10. Pregnancy prevention and sexually transmitted disease (STD) protection
9-11. Reproductive health education

13. HIV
13-17. Perinatally acquired HIV/AIDS and AIDS

14. Immunization and Infectious Diseases
14-1. Vaccine-preventable diseases
14-2. Hepatitis B in infants and young children
14-18. Antibiotics prescribed for ear infections
14-19. Antibiotics prescribed for common cold
14-22. Universally recommended vaccination of children aged 19 through 35 months of age
14-23. Vaccination coverage for children in day care and kindergarten
14-24. Fully immunized young children and adolescents
14-25. Providers who measure childhood vaccination coverage levels
14-26. Children participating in population-based immunization registries
14-27. Vaccination coverage among adolescents
14-30. Adverse events from vaccinations
14-31. Active surveillance for vaccine safety

15. Injury and Violence Prevention
15-1. Nonfatal head injuries
15-2. Nonfatal spinal cord injuries
15-3. Firearm-related deaths
15-4. Proper firearm storage in homes
15-5. Nonfatal firearm-related injuries
15-7. Nonfatal poisonings
15-8. Deaths from poisoning
15-9. Deaths from suffocation
15-10. Emergency department surveillance systems
15-11. Hospital discharge surveillance systems
15-12. Emergency department visits
15-19. Safety belts
15-20. Child restraints
15-23. Bicycle helmet use
15-24. Bicycle helmet laws
15-31. Injury protection in school sports
15-33. Maltreatment and maltreatment fatalities of children
15-38. Physical fighting among adolescents
15-39. Weapon carrying by adolescents on school property

18. Mental Health and Mental Disorders
18-2. Adolescent suicide attempts
18-5. Disordered eating behaviors
18-7. Treatment for children with mental health problems
18-8. Juvenile justice facility screening

19. Nutrition and Overweight
19-3. Overweight or obesity in children and adolescents
19-4. Growth retardation in children
19-12. Iron deficiency in young children and in females of childbearing age
19-13. Anemia in low-income pregnant females
19-14. Iron deficiency in pregnant females

21. Oral Health
21-1. Dental caries experience
21-2. Untreated dental decay
21-8. Dental sealants
21-9. Community water fluoridation
21-10. Use of oral health care system
21-13. School-based health centers with oral health component
21-14. Health centers with oral health service components
21-15. Referral for cleft lip or palate
21-16. Oral and craniofacial State-based surveillance system

22. Physical Activity and Fitness
22-6. Moderate physical activity in adolescents
22-7. Vigorous physical activity in adolescents
22-8. Physical education requirement in schools
22-9. Daily physical education in schools
22-10. Physical activity in physical education class
22-11. Television viewing
22-12. School physical activity facilities

24. Respiratory Diseases
24-1. Deaths from asthma
24-2. Hospitalizations for asthma
24-3. Hospital emergency department visits for asthma
24-5. School or work days lost

25. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
25-9. Congenital syphilis
25-11. Responsible adolescent sexual behavior

26. Substance Abuse
26-6. Adolescents riding with a driver who has been drinking
26-9. Substance-free youth
26-10. Adolescent and adult use of illicit substances
26-14. Steroid use among adolescents
26-15. Inhalant use among adolescents
26-16. Peer disapproval of substance abuse
26-17. Perception of risk associated with substance abuse

27. Tobacco Use
27-2. Adolescent tobacco use
27-3. Initiation of tobacco use
27-4. Age at first use of tobacco
27-6. Smoking cessation during pregnancy
27-7. Smoking cessation by adolescents
27-11. Smoke-free and tobacco-free schools
27-14. Enforcement of illegal tobacco sales to minors laws
27-15. Retail license suspension for sales to minors
27-17. Adolescent disapproval of smoking

28. Vision and Hearing
28-2. Vision screening for children
28-4. Impairment in children and adolescents

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