The Inca Trail and Machu Picchu

Welcome to the virtual Inca Trail!

The real Inca Trail is a walking route that leads through the mountains above the Urubamba river, following (at least partly) the course of an old Inca roadway leading to the city of Machu Picchu.

The virtual Inca Trail has the following advantages:

  • it doesn't take several days to complete (unless you have a very slow modem)
  • there are no flies
  • you don't have to start by climbing 2000 metres
  • it's suitable even for people who suffer from altitude sickness or vertigo
  • you don't need to carry your own food
  • no one has ever got amoebic dysentery on the virtual Inca Trail (yet)

On the other hand, my photographs are no substitute for the real thing.

Click to begin the virtual Inca Trail.

Virtual Inca Trail

Map [55K]
Interactive Map

Machu Picchu

If you're interested in walking the Inca Trail yourself and would like more information, please read the Inca Trail FAQ and the Inca Trail news page. For other Web sites about the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu, please see the links page.