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Burger joints and pizza parlors get a bad rap, but you can find healthy options anywhere-if you know how to navigate the menu. That's why we've created our Grab-and-Go Guide below. We've got the best (and worst) picks from a dozen popular restaurant chains, and we promise there's more than just salad to choose from!

Simply click on your favorite place and you'll get a list of tasty, filling options that can easily fit into your diet. Plus, most selections are under 400 calories.

  • Eat Well at Wendy's
    Next time you hit the drive-through for an old-fashioned hamburger, try one of these tasty, low-calorie meals instead.
  • McHealthy Eating
    Love going to McDonald's? Good news: You don't have to give it up!

* Applebee's, Arby's, Burger King's, Chick-fil-A, Chili's, Dairy Queen's, Denny's, Kentucky Fried Chicken's, Pizza Hut's, McDonald's, Taco Bell's, and Wendy's are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. SHAPE's use of these trademarks are for informational purposes only and are not intended to imply any endorsement by or affiliation with any particular trademark owner.

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