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Subject: NERSC PVP Systems back on line
Author: Richard Gerber <>
Date: 2001-01-17 12:28:55
The NERSC PVP cluster is back on line following a power outage that occurred at 5:40 a.m. PST Wednesday morning (1/17/01). The cause of the outage is unknown, but it may have occurred due to building construction and/or demolition in the vicinity of the Oakland Scientific Facility. The outage was not related to California's Electrical Emergency Alert. A number of PVP batch jobs may have failed due to the outage. You may check the following NERSC web page to view the status of NQE jobs on the PVP cluster: (The password needed to access this web page is available by logging into gseaborg, killeen, or mcurie and typing the command "module help WWW".) ****************************************************** * Richard A. Gerber, Ph.D. * * NERSC User Services (510) 486-6820 * * Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * ******************************************************

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