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Subject: AVS Express upgraded from 5.1 to 6.0 on Escher
Author: Kenneth Schwartz <>
Date: 2002-05-31 10:35:54
Dear NERSC users, AVS Express has been upgraded from version 5.1 to 6.0 on Escher. The default version 5.1, will be changed to version 6.0. To access AVS Express Version 5.1 at a command prompt enter: module load avs-express To run this program at a command prompt enter: express To access AVS Express Version 5.1 at a command prompt enter: module load avs-express/6.0 Two weeks from today, after version 6.0 is installed as default, either command will run version 6.0 and version 5.1 may be run using: module load avs-express/5.1 The online documentation regarding access reflects usage after version 6.0 becomes the default. Additional information is available at: Additional online support resources have also been added for this product at: Regards, Kenneth Schwartz -- Kenneth Schwartz Visualization Project Leader National Energy Research Scientific Computing Division One Clyclotron RD MS 50F Bldg 50 Room 1615 University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 Tel 510-486-4851 Fax 510-486-5812 Mobile: 209-612-2790

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