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Senior Journal on Sex and Senior Citizens

Today's News and Information on Sex for Seniors

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Senior Citizens & Sex

Sex Lives of Older Women More likely Hindered by Physical Problems than Older Men's

New survey looks at sexual attitudes, problems of those ages 50 through 70

Sept. 25, 2008 – Most people are aware of the physical problems that hinder an active sex life for many older men - it created a boom in erectile dysfunction drugs. A new study of adults aged 50 to 70 finds, however, it is actually older women who are most likely to find pleasurable sex hindered by physical problems. Read more...

Sexual Dysfunction Among Older Americans Tied to Experiences, Health, Demographics

Sexual problems may not be inevitable part of aging but they seem to increase with the years

Aug. 19, 2008 – Although a new report on sexual research among older finds that sexual dysfunction is not an inevitable part of aging, it does find that many of the things that impact sexual performance among the elderly are closely associated with getting older, including mental and physical health. The study also finds demographics and lifetime experiences are important factors. Read more...

Viagra Not Just for Old Men: Study Finds It Helps Some Women with Sexual Dysfunction

Sildenafil improves antidepressant-related sexual problems in women

Link to video below story

July 23, 2008 – Viagra not just helpful to older men, says a new study that finds women with sexual dysfunction caused by the use of antidepressants experienced a reduction in adverse sexual effects with use of sildenafil, commonly known as the erectile dysfunction medication Viagra, according to a study in the July 23/30 issue of JAMA. Read more...

Viagra-Effect May Make Watermelon More Popular with Older Men this July Fourth



Watermelon Man at YouTube


Citrulline in the fruit has the ability to relax blood vessels, much like Viagra does, and may make it more popular for Valentine's Day

July 3, 2008 – Keep an eye on the older men at the Fourth of July picnic. They may be gobbling down an unusual amount of watermelon. A new study, however, suggests this fruit may become more popular around Valentine’s Day, since it discovered watermelon has ingredients that deliver Viagra-like effects to the body's blood vessels and may even increase libido. And, as a special bonus, it is also good for the heart. Read more...

Older Women Needed to Test First Drug for Sexual Dysfunction in Postmenopausal Women

LibiGel first for women with absence of sexual fantasies, thoughts and desires, which causes distress and lower sexual activity

June 16, 2008 – Older women – age 50 to 80 – suffering with hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) are needed to participate in a new multicenter study of the safety of testosterone gel for postmenopausal women with low sexual desire. The study design and goals will be presented today at The Endocrine Society’s 90th Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Read more...

When It Comes to Sex Some Men are from Mars but Older Ones May be from Venus

Older men become more careful and particular in choosing sexual partners

June 5, 2008 - When it comes to sex, some men are from Mars, others from Venus, say researchers at the Kinsey Institute, who found in a recent study that older men have distinctly different views about sex than their younger brethren. Read more...

Erectile Dysfunction May Be Early Warning Sign of Looming Heart Attack for Diabetics

Older men – frequent victims of both diseases – should be on the alert

May 20, 2008 – Among some older men, it is popular to joke about erectile dysfunction (ED) and the use of the drugs, like Viagra, that treat it. But, much of the laughing may come to a halt today after the release of new studies concluding that for men with type 2 diabetes – mostly senior citizens - erectile dysfunction may be an early warning alert of a looming heart attack. Read more...

Sexual Dissatisfaction in Older Women Not Linked to Cardiovascular Disease

Sexual dysfunction in some older men indicates cardiovascular disease

April 3, 2008 – Although sexual dysfunction in some men indicates cardiovascular disease, researchers find this is not the case among postmenopausal sexually active females who were dissatisfied with their sexual activity. Read more...

Senior Citizen Alerts

Older Men Should Not Use Blue Steel or Hero for Erectile Dysfunction

FDA says products are illegal drugs and pose serious health risks

March 27, 2008 – Older men, the Americans most likely to be interested in products marketed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) and sexual enhancement, are being warned by the Food and Drug Administration not to purchase or use "Blue Steel" or "Hero" products marketed as dietary supplements. The FDA says they are considered unapproved drugs and have not been proven to be safe or effective. Read more....

Being Physically Active in Leisure Time Leads to Being Biologically Younger

Or, sedentary lifestyles leads to accelerated aging process

Jan. 29, 2008 - Individuals who are physically active during their leisure time appear to be biologically younger than those with sedentary lifestyles, according to a report in the January 28 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. Read more....

Senior Citizen Alerts

FDA Asks Recall of True Man, Energy Max 'Alternatives' for Erectile Dysfunction

Those with either product should stop using it immediately

Nov. 5, 2007 – Products that are often billed as ``all natural'' alternatives to approved erectile dysfunction drugs, could interact with medications and cause dangerously low blood pressure, says the Food and Drug Administration. The agency has requested a recall of True Man Sexual Energy Nutrient Capsules and Energy Max Energy Supplement Men's Formula Capsules, illegal drug products that contain potentially harmful, undeclared ingredients. Read more...

Senior Citizens & Sex

Risk of Sudden Hearing Loss Gets More Emphasis on Viagra, Levitra and Cialis Labels

Hypertension drug Revatio to get same warning as erectile dysfunction drugs

Oct. 18, 2007 – The potential risk of sudden hearing loss, and a guide for consumers on what to do if they experience sudden problems with their hearing, will be made more prominent on the labels for erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs in the class that includes Cialis, Levitra, and Viagra, according to an announcement today by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA points out that hearing loss is a common ailment for senior citizens, major users of ED drugs, but sudden hearing loss is uncommon at any age. Read more...

Men with Chronic Heart Failure can have Active Sex Lives: Mayo Clinic Journal

Middle aged men have peak heart rate during intercourse that’s lower than heart rates during normal daily activities

Oct. 4, 2007 – A literature review published in the October issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings finds that with proper screening and treatment, many patients with chronic heart failure – primarily older Americans -  can safely engage in sexual activity. This provides strong support to the position of the American Heart Association. Read more & link to video by Laura Kleinhenz documented the dating scene in south Florida,

Sexual Interest Jumps, Memory Does Not for Older Women on Hormone Therapy

Boomer women see 32% increase in sexual thoughts, 44% in sexual interest

Sept. 26, 2007 - A researcher that earlier found additional testosterone decreases verbal memory in older men, has now also determined that hormone therapy in early post-menopause does not improve memory for women. But, it did significantly increase the sexual thoughts and sexual interest for the baby boomer women in the study. Read more...

Older Men Chasing Younger Women Sheds Light on Human Longevity

Males much older than 50 have substantial realized fertility through matings with younger females - likely typical among early humans

By Lisa Trei, Sanford News Services

Sept. 14, 2007 - It turns out that older men chasing younger women contributes to human longevity and the survival of the species, according to new findings by researchers at Stanford and the University of California-Santa Barbara. Read more...

Sex Declines Only Slightly for Active Senior Citizens from Age 50 into 70s

Many senior citizens have active sex lives into their 80s

Aug. 23, 2007 - The first comprehensive national survey of sexual attitudes, behaviors and problems among older adults in the United States has found that most people ages 57 to 85 think of sexuality as an important part of life and that the frequency of sexual activity, for those who are active, declines only slightly from the 50s to the early 70s. Read more...

‘Use It or Lose It’ Theory Applies to Erectile Function after Prostate Surgery

Harvard Med School says just letting nerves heal can take too long

Aug. 16, 2007 - The traditional advice given to men after surgery to remove the prostate - to wait for erectile function to return on its own - may not be adequate. Simply put, erections seem to work on a use-it-or-lose-it basis. To prevent the secondary damage that may occur if the penis goes too long without erections, researchers now think it’s better to restore erectile function soon after prostate removal. Read more...

Viagra is No Longer Just About Sex for Older Men, It's About Better Health

Marketed as Revatio for pulmonary hypertension; may fight heart disease

July 25, 2007 – Viagra, Levitra, Cialis – they are not just about sex for older men anymore. Viagra is now being used to treat not only erectile dysfunction (ED) but also pulmonary hypertension and, maybe, heart disease. And the drug may have potential for treating several other conditions, reports the August 2007 issue of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. Read more...

Viagra May Not Cure All Sex Problems, but May Save Lives by Helping Heart

Two new studies take interesting looks at erectile dysfunction drugs

July 10, 2007 – A study by a psychologist finds oral drugs like Viagra improve sexual performance but not a man’s ‘sexual health’. Not to worry, another new study finds Viagra can improve heart function and potentially save the lives of people with specific heart problems. The net results imply a longer life with poor sexual health but good ‘sexual function’. Read more...

Features for Senior Citizens

Senior Citizens Out of Step with Children on Sex, Marriage, Parenting

Younger generation has different moral values, says Pew Research

July 5, 2007 - Americans believe that births to unwed women are a big problem for society, and they take a mixed view at best of cohabitation without marriage. Yet these two nontraditional behaviors have become commonplace among younger adults, who have a different set of moral values from their elders about sex, marriage and parenthood, a new Pew Research Center Survey finds. Read more...

Senior Citizens & Sex

New Harvard Medical Report on Sex and Aging Finds Viagra Can Create Problems

When intercourse is suddenly a possibility again, relationship issues can emerge

May 1, 2007 - For many men, the erectile-dysfunction drugs Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are the answer to their prayers. But, according to Sexuality in Midlife and Beyond, a new report from Harvard Medical School, these pills offer no help in untangling the emotional and relationship pressures that frequently accompany erectile dysfunction (ED). Read more...

Senior Men have High Rate of Return to Sexual Function When Prostate Cancer Treated with Cryoablation

This minimally-invasive therapy and post-treatment rehab are keys to regaining potency

March 15, 2007 – Cryoablation - non-surgical freezing and destroying of cancerous tumors - is not only an effective primary treatment for localized prostate cancer but post-treatment sexual function can be rapidly and substantially increased if accompanied by a penile rehabilitation regimen, according to a study of 416 patients with an average age of 69.4 years. Read more...

Erectile Dysfunction Drugs May Trump Nitroglycerin for Heart Protection

Good news for millions of male senior citizens using sex enhancers

March 2, 2007 – Senior citizens, the predominant users of erectile dysfunction drugs, will surely be pleased by a new study that finds these drugs that enhance their sex life are also protecting their hearts from damage before and after a severe heart attack. These drugs do an even better job than nitroglycerin, report Virginia Commonwealth University researchers today. Read more...

Nine Health Issues That Can Impact Sexual Satisfaction

Geriatrics Center at U. of Michigan provides 'Sex Matters Clinic'

  Read below about 'Sex Matters Clinic' at U. of Michigan Geriatrics Center and view video.  

Feb. 5, 2007 – Health and lifestyle matter when it comes to a health sex life, particularly for senior citizens, too often plagued by various health issues. Here’s the good news, the bad news, and some more good news about Americans’ sexual health: Most (64 percent of Americans, according to one recent study) are satisfied with their sex lives. But many health issues can get in the way of having a good sex life, from prescription medication side effects to depression to sexually transmitted diseases. (See story for link to video and more on help for senior citizens at U. of Michigan Geriatrics Center.) Read more...

Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Prove Effective, Safe for Men With Diabetes

Diabetics are three times more likely to have erectile dysfunction

By Glenda Fauntleroy, Contributing Writer
Health Behavior News Service

January 24, 2007 - Popular drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction — Viagra, Levitra and Cialis — are safe and effective for men with diabetes, a new review has found. Read more...

Almost all Americans Have Sex before Marriage and Have for Decades

Even 9 of 10 of today's senior women born in 40's did it

December 21, 2006 - When you were young and thought you were the only one that didn't do it – have premarital sex, that is - you were probably right. Almost all Americans have sex before marrying, says a new study. Contrary to the public perception that premarital sex is much more common now than in the past, the study shows that even among women who were born in the 1940s, nearly nine in 10 had sex before marriage. Unfortunately, the study did not include much about senior citizens born before 1940. Read more...

Senior Citizens & Sex

Erectile Dysfunction, Overactive Bladder and More May be Treated by Simple Gene Transfer

Potential alternative to oral drugs, like Viagra, which are not effective for up to 40%

November 30, 2006 – Okay, senior men, how about this – a simple gene transfer that will treat erectile dysfunction and, at the same time, treat overactive bladder, irritable bowel syndrome and asthma. Researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine say their test is showing promise. This is encouraging news for senior citizens, who will likely suffer from most of these ailments, if they live long enough. Read more...

FDA Puts Beware Label on Supplements Sold for Sexual Enhancement

Don't use Zimaxx, Libidus, Neophase, Nasutra, Vigor-25, Actra-Rx and 4EVERON


FDA Says Don't Use

  Zimaxx is sold as sexual enhancer for both men ($59.95) and women ($49.95).  

July 12, 2006 – Senior citizens and other consumers were warned today by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration not to buy or consume several products promoted as treatments for erectile dysfunction and enhancing sexual performance. The FDA put the "beware label" on seven, saying "they are in fact illegal drugs that contain potentially harmful undeclared ingredients." Read more...

Erectile Dysfunction and Coronary Heart Disease May Share Risk Factors

Smoking, obesity, lack of exercise increase risk; alcohol drinking doesn't matter, says new study

June 28, 2006 - A prospective study by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) has found that obesity and smoking are strongly associated with a greater risk of erectile dysfunction (ED). Meanwhile, regular physical activity appeared to have a significant impact on lowering the risk of ED. This is the first large-scale prospective study to examine the links between ED and smoking, obesity, alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle. It is already established that older men are the most susceptible to ED. Read more...

Most Older People with Rheumatoid Arthritis Have Normal Sex Lives

One-third say RA has a considerably negative influence on sexual activity

June 26, 2006 – Almost one-third of older people inflicted with rheumatoid arthritis feel the condition has a 'considerably' negative influence on their sexual activity, according to new research presented Saturday at the 7th Annual European Congress of Rheumatology in Amsterdam (EULAR 2006). The new survey, however, found the vast majority of patients said the condition has 'little' or 'no' impact on sexual activity. Read more...

'Hormone of Love' Nasal Spray Reduces Stress in Martial Spats, Makes People Like Each Other

Oxytocin seems to make us like people better, says studies

June 20, 2006 – Don't say you didn't learn something today from It is that a nasal spray of synthetic oxytocin may smooth out the disagreements you have with your spouse. This has potential life-saving benefits for senior citizens, who are known to suffer this stress with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Read more...

Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Not Just About Sex

Study says they produce mostly beneficial results... not just for ED

June 16, 2006 - Since the Food and Drug Administration gave Viagra (sildenafil) its approval in 1998, “erectile dysfunction” has become a household term – probably to the chagrin of many parents fielding questions from their kids watching TV. But with sildenafil and the subsequent introduction and marketing of Levitra (vardenafil) and Cialis (tadalafil), many men have found answers to a once-unmentionable condition. It is primarily a problem of senior citizens age 65 and older. Read more...

Senior Citizen Health & Medicine

Older Men Unaware of Erectile Dysfunction Link to Problems Such as High Blood Pressure

'Check Men's Facts' campaign urges men see doctor

June 9, 2006 - A new national survey of U.S. men ages 35 and older showed that approximately 8 of every 10 men who have high blood pressure (hypertension or HTN) (82%) were not aware of its connection to erectile dysfunction (ED), and many were unaware of the connection between ED and other medical conditions that commonly affect men, such as high cholesterol (86%) and diabetes (73%). Read more...

Aging News for Senior Citizens

Women Age Faster but Live Longer - Is Testosterone the Cause?

Males allocate resources to intrasexual and intersexual competition

June 5, 2006 - It has been widely assumed that men age earlier than women, as evidenced by their higher mortality rates and shorter average life spans. But three Northern Michigan University biology professors contend that the opposite is true. They say theory and data suggest that females begin to exhibit signs of physiological decline earlier than males, and that higher mortality figures are not necessarily correlated with the rate at which we age. Read more...

Sex and Seniors

Persistent Male Quest for Sex Causes Them to Die Earlier Than Females

From tail of the peacock to the gaudy SUV, males compete aggressively for female attention and that costs them something

May 9, 2006 – Why do females live longer than males? It's the male quest for sex that wears them out, say researchers. Despite efforts to find modern factors that would explain the different life expectancies of men and women, the gap is actually ancient and universal, according to the University of Michigan researchers. Read more...

Sex Lives Better for Older Couples with Gender Equality

Study in 29 countries finds general happiness, sex related

April 19, 2006 - Older couples who live in Western countries and who enjoy more equality between men and women are most likely to report being satisfied with their sex lives, according to a new study on sexual well-being, aging and health that was conducted in 29 countries by a University of Chicago research team. Read more...


Men - Sexual Satisfaction by Age


Men in 50s More Satisfied with Sex Lives than Most Younger Men

Satisfaction falls fast for senior citizens; 20-year-olds most satisfied

Feb. 20, 2006 - Men in their fifties are more satisfied with their sex lives than men in their thirties and forties, recording levels that are only topped – barely – by the 20-29 year-olds. But, after age 59 sexual satisfaction takes a plunge, according to a survey published in the February issue of BJU International, official journal of the British Association of Urological Surgeons. Read more...

Sex & Single Baby Boomers

Boomers Changing How Older People View Sex, Romance, says Newsweek

More Boomers dating than any previous generation of older Americans; many looking for companionship and sex, but not necessarily marriage

Feb. 13, 2006 – The Newsweek magazine on news stands today focuses on Baby Boomers and how they are changing the way older people look at sex, romance, marriage and relationships. Older people are not what they used to be, when it comes to sex and relationships. Read more...

Senior Couple Among Winners in Maryland Same-Sex Marriage Case

Former minister, retired Social Security employee have been together 27 years

Glen Dehn and Charles Blackburn

Jan. 21, 2006 – Two senior citizens were among the winning plaintiffs this week, when a Maryland circuit court ruled that it is a violation of the state constitution to deny same-sex couples the numerous protections provided to married couples. Charles Blackburn, 73, and Glen Dehn, 68, were among nine same-sex couples and a surviving gay partner filing the suit. Read more...

Media Hypes PT-141 as Female Aphrodisiac of the Century

Developer's stock soars as it enters next phase of clinical trials

Dec. 5, 2005 – There is nothing really new in the development of the possible sexual enhancement drug PT-141 – which has been hipped as being a powerful sexual enhancer for women – but there has been a media frenzy of stories, watched carefully by seniors citizens, on the possible aphrodisiac of the 21st Century. The only real news is that clinical trials are progressing but it is probably years from being available. Read more...

'Mild Bunch' Beefcake Biker Calendar Raises Funds for New Senior Center

Leading citizens in Texas town drop their pants for a good cause

Nov. 10, 2005 – Leave it to some old geezers from the Texas Hill Country to do something wild and just a little crazy. Nude motorcycle calendars have worked well for women – even senior citizens – so why not for men. Anyone who hears the words "senior citizens" and thinks of nursing homes doesn't know the "Mild Bunch." After recognizing a dire need for a new senior community, fifteen high-profile community leaders of Kerrville, Texas came together to help raise money for a new facility. The group developed a unique and undeniably risqué method of fundraising for the $4 million capital campaign project, which required the "Mild Bunch" to drop everything -- including their pants. Read and see more...

Treating Men with ED Improves Female Partners Sexual Function, Satisfaction

October 25, 2005 – A newly published study of couples – including senior citizens and baby boomers – has found that the sexual function and satisfaction of the females significantly improved after the erectile dysfunctional men in their lives were effectively treated for their problem. Read more...

Personal Ad Websites Not Drawing Seniors, But Boomers…

Oct. 15, 2005 – Who is using the personal ads on the Web to find companionship? It’s not senior citizens. The only age group you are less likely to find exploring the personal ads on the Web are children from age two to eleven. Now, Baby Boomers - that is entirely different. The peak users seem to be around age 45. Read more...

Dating Website’s Goal is to Keep Senior Citizens Out

Snub Club lets members vote on new members after seeing their photo on Web

Oct. 12, 2005 -.Senior citizens seeking companionship on the Web had best skip This online dating site was announced with the following headline – “Young people who wish they could kick older people out of an on-line community can do just that in the ‘Snub Club'. Old people beware!” Read more...

Aging Does Not End Sex, Relationships, Says Expert

Sept. 21, 2005 - Sex isn't the exclusive playground for the young, but a quality of life issue that continues well after age 50, a University of Michigan expert says in her new book. Older adults desire fun, excitement and passion in relationships and sex, often associated with one's younger years. Read more...

Boomer Women More Confident of Sexuality Than Younger Women

Survey suggests sexual confidence increases with age, but no mention of seniors

Sept. 13, 2005 – A new survey says 82 percent of Baby Boomer women are very or somewhat confident sexually. The researchers suggest sexual confidence and self knowledge increase as women go through life, based on the lower confidence scores for younger women. Read more...

Bicycle Riding Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Health debate needs to change focus to what can be done about it

Aug. 23, 2005 – A prominent researcher in sexual and reproductive health says the debate should end about bicycle saddles causing erectile dysfunction. It clearly does for some. It is now time to move on to what should be done about it. Males are much more likely to be bicycle riders than women, but the participation in bicycle riding decreases rapidly as age increases. Less than 10 percent of senior citizens do it regularly. Read more...


Boomers, Senior Citizens Keep Nudism Alive

July 18, 2005 – So you thought nudism was for young people. Wrong. From a report on a recent gathering of the American Association for Nude Recreation, it appears that it is mostly baby boomers and senior citizens that are keeping nude recreation alive. Read more...

Sex Hormone Levels Ruled Out As Cause for Low Sexual Function in Women

July 6, 2005 – A study of adult women up to age 75 found no sex hormone (androgen) level that predicts low sexual function in women, as had been assumed to be a significant independent determinant of sexual behavior in women. Read more...

Senior Citizens With Heart Problems May Be Able to Take Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

Study suggests replacing nitrate will allow the use of ED drugs

June 28, 2005 – Men with heart problems can substitute calcium antagonist or beta blocker for their oral nitrate treatment and, for the first time, benefit safely from erectile dysfunction drugs that restore function in 80 percent of men, according to a study in England. Senior citizens are the primary group suffering from both heart disease and erectile dysfunction. Read more...

Senior Citizens Protest Nude Statues in Middletown

June 22, 2005 – Senior citizens turned out for a public forum of the Middletown (Conn.) Commission on the Arts to protest three pairs of nude male sculptures that have been erected near the senior center. The meeting was to provide information on 30 new sculptures on Main Street named “Sculpture Mile at Middletown.” Read more...

Sexual Senior Citizen Movie From Brazil Out on DVD

The Other Side of the Street Gets Good Reviews for Actors

June 10, 2005 – A sexy movie about senior citizens, what will they think of next? The Other Side of the Street was made in Brazil and stars Academy Award nominated actress Fernanda Montenegro. The movie with senior citizen love scenes had a limited release in February and is now available on DVD. It has received a number of three-star ratings, based primarily on the acting. Read more...

Female Sexual Dysfunction Found In Half of Women Studied

About 10 million older women have reported problems in the past

May 27, 2005 – About 10 million women between the ages of 50 and 74 reported sexual problems in earlier studies, according to researchers who say their new study of women 18 to 68 indicates the primary culprit may be a decreased sensation in the clitoris, which affected almost half of those in their study. Read more...

“Date Lonely Housewives” Spammer Gets Busted

Email that may have targeted senior men broke all the rules

May 26, 2005 - An operation that spammed millions of consumers with graphic sexual descriptions to drive traffic to their Web sites to “date lonely housewives” has been halted by the court at the request of the Federal Trade Commission. Among other alleged violations, the FTC says the spam emails included sexual materials in the viewable area. Older men may have been primary targets. Read more...

Sexual Interest Up

Sexual Health Important to Overall Well Being of Older Adults: AARP Survey

May 24, 2005 - Sexual health is an essential element of the quality of life of middle aged and older adults (45+). AARP's recent study, Sexuality at Midlife and Beyond, updates an AARP survey from 1999, and confirms that relationships and sexuality remain at least as important, if not more so, than almost six years ago. Read more...

Americans Pick Older Women as Most Beautiful

Survey says women over 50 are just as beautiful as those under 30, 91% of women are happy with their looks

May 23, 2005 – Americans consider women over 50 just as beautiful as women under 30 and, when asked to name "the most beautiful person alive today," they named women between the ages of 50 and 70. The research by Allure Magazine is “The Allure of Beauty Study” that looked at modern attitudes about beauty, confidence and success. It also revealed that 91 percent of women are happy with what they see in the mirror and that 66 percent of men opposed their lovers getting plastic surgery. Read more...

Nude Calendars Now Have Their Own Web Page

May 10, 2005 - It was female senior citizens that started the craze, now nude calendars have proliferated so that there is a Web page just to keep up with the latest editions.

FDA Orders Levitra Ad Pulled; Seniors Should Read Objections

April 16, 2005 – The FDA yesterday notified the makers of Levitra (vardenafil HCI) their television ads for the erectile dysfunction drug must be withdrawn from the market. The regulators called the ads “misleading” and say they fail to disclose “major side effects.” This and other erectile dysfunction drugs are widely used by senior citizens, who should pay careful attention to the message from the FDA. Read more...

Senior Women Will Get Public Breast Massage in Bangkok Dispute Over Breast-Enhancing Cream

Three younger models were fined last week in demonstration

Feb. 27, 2005 – A breast enhancing product will be officially introduced on Wednesday in Bangkok, Thailand, featuring women in their 60’s having their breast massaged behind opaque screens. This is after the company created a storm last week when they gave a demonstration to show the cream’s immediate ability to increase breast size. Three bare-breasted women, with only their nipples hidden, stood before reporters on a hotel stage Thursday for 15-minute massages. Read more...

Elderly World War II ‘Comfort Women’ Lose Suit in Japan

Two of the nine senior women died before the case ended

Feb. 26, 2005 – Nine elderly women sued for compensation from Japan for being forced to become sex slaves, often referred to as “comfort women,” for Japanese soldiers during World War II, but only seven of them lived long enough to hear the Supreme Court deny their claims on Friday. Read more...

Active Sex Life Means Longer Life, Even If Humans Are Not Built for Long Romances

Feb. 9, 2005 - Couples who can sustain an active sex life tend to live longer and be happier, although humans are not built for long-term romance, says Robert Billingham, associate professor, Indiana University Bloomington. He does have ideas on how to do it. Read more...

Latest Senior Nudie Calendar Features Women 75 to 94

Atwood Cuties raising money for anniversary of Townsend, Mass.

Jan. 19, 2005 – Ranging in age from 75 to 94, the 17 ladies from the Atwood Senior Housing Center, decided to copy the “Calendar Girls” and do a semi-nude calendar for 2005. "We're just as good looking as them, so why not do it? And we're older, so it makes it more unique," said Lu Porter, 75, who is Ms. January. "We're a lot older than them," she added. Read, see more...

Former Judge, 78, Freed from Charges of Indecency with Child

Accuser says she made charges to police in exchange for dropping burglary charge

Jan. 5, 2005 – A 78-year old former Social Security judge, Forrest Elmo Stewart, was released from house arrest on Tuesday after the Bexar County, Texas, district attorney's office dismissed a case alleging he had sex with a 16-year-old girl, reports the San Antonio Express-News and KENS-TV. More... 1/5/5*

Grandparents Found in Compromising Position at Beach

Dec. 10, 2004 - Two Malaysian grandparents, who happen to be in-laws, have been detained by religious authorities in the northern Perak state after they were caught allegedly having sex by the beach in broad daylight, a news report said today. More... 12/10/04*

Seniors Need to Pay Attention to World AIDS Day, Dec. 1

Nov. 30, 2004 - Wednesday, December 1, is World AIDS Day, an annual global event dedicated to remembering the victims of AIDS, learning more about the devastating effects of the disease around the world, and reaffirming the commitment to fight it. The focus this year is on women and girls, but AIDS among senior citizens is also getting attention. More... 11/30/04*

FDA Fast Track for Female Testosterone Patch Questioned

Nov. 26, 2004 - The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted a fast track review of testosterone patches for women with low sex drive, despite concerns about insufficient data and potentially misleading marketing by their manufacturer Proctor & Gamble, claim two articles in this week's BMJ. More... 11/26/04*

86-Year-Old Man On Trial for Trying to Have Sex with Young Philippine Girls

Nov. 17, 2004 – An 86-year-old man from Garden Grove, California, is the latest person charged under a 2003 federal law known as the Protect Act, aimed at curbing international sex trade. Prosecutors say he planned to go to the Philippines for sex with two young girls. More... 11/17/04*

Viagra Ads Ordered Off Air, Company Begins Anti-Counterfeit Program

Nov. 16, 2004 – Viagra television ads were ordered off the air yesterday by the Federal Drug Administration, because they promised men better sex, but failed to give adequate warnings, including the dangers to men, usually older, who have cardiovascular disease. This news somewhat over-shadowed the company announcement that they will use radio frequency identification (RFID) tags on the popular drug to prevent counterfeiting. More... 11/16/04*

Dr. Ruth Westheimer Still Talking Sex at 76

Nov. 10, 2004 – At 76, Dr. Ruth Westheimer is still at it – talking about sex. She spoke Tuesday at Princeton University, standing on two stacked crates, and told the students her views on abortion, homosexuality, condoms and what it is like to be a psychosexual therapist. More... 11/10/04*

Actra-Rx or Yilishen

FDA Warns Against Sexual Enhancement Supplement for Men

Nov. 2,2004 - The Food and Drug Administration today warned consumers not to purchase or consume Actra-Rx or Yilishen, two products promoted for sale on Web sites as "dietary supplements" for treating erectile dysfunction and enhancing sexual performance for men. These products, the FDA says, contain the active prescription drug ingredient sildenafil. Senior men are frequently targeted consumers for these products. More... 11/02/04*

Primetime Live Sex Survey Has Interesting Findings About Senior Citizens

Oct. 22, 2004 – Last night ABC’s “Primetime Live” aired the results of an extensive survey of Americans about their sex lives and, once again, it finds senior citizens far more conservative in their attitudes about sex than are younger Americans. Only 30 percent of those 65 and older, for example, approve of sex before marriage, while 71 percent of those 18 to 29 say it is OK. A significant difference is when it comes to “cheating,” where far more seniors have done it than younger people. More... 10/22/04*

Older Naked People Censored Again – Wal-Mart Cancels Book Order

Wall-Mart won't sell book by Jon Stewart

Oct. 21, 2004 – Nudity of older Americans strikes out again. Earlier this month, the city of Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, turned down proceeds from a risqué calendar featuring local women as old as 84. Now, Wal-Mart is refusing to sell a book by Jon Stewart of The Daily Show, because it has a photo of naked older bodies with the faces of the U.S. Supreme Court judges pasted on them. Is it just older naked people causing this censorship? More... 10/21/04*

Racy Calendar by Older Women Gets Extinguished in Carmel

Oct. 10, 2004 – The promotion of calendars featuring nearly-naked older women has been a growing fund-raising technique, but in California’s Carmel-by-the Sea a local effort to fund a firehouse has been extinguished. More... 10/10/04*

Med Students Vulnerable to Sex With Patients, Problem Increases with Age

Oct. 5, 2004 - Four out of 10 medical students feel they can justify having a sexual relationship with a patient, suggests a small study in the Journal of Medical Ethics, which also says studies show sexual misconduct increases with age – rising 44% with every decade. More... 10/05/04*

Gene Study Says Men Have Been Tomcatting for Ages, Not Always Successfully

Sept. 19, 2004 - New insights into ancient mating says there is no covering up ancient sexual dalliances of men tomcatting around and traveling far from home to do it. They also report men often were squeezed out of mating by stronger males, which caused twice as many women as men to pass on their genes. More... 9/19/04*

Women Beyond 50: A New Reality of Sexual Desire

Sexual interest may decrease in their 50s and 60s but see a resurgence of sexual appetite when they reach their 70s or even 80s.

Joyce sat on the edge of the examining table, dressed in a thin, faded gown. She felt vulnerable and a bit ridiculous. She was hoping that her doctor would be able to enlighten her about her declining interest in sex. More... 9/09/04*

Senior Videos Sex with Wife and Female Healthcare Worker

Aug. 28, 2004 - James Ball, 64, video taped a female healthcare worker joining him in sex with his 94-year-old wife; then he tried to charge the health aide for sexual assault, according to a story in the San Antonio Express-News. More... 8/28/04*

Viagra Not Working? Maybe This Gel Will Help!

Men With Sexual Dysfunction Should Be Screened For Low Testosterone

Aug. 4, 2004 – Viagra not working well enough for you?  Now another drug-maker wants to sell you a testosterone gel (AndroGel) that enhances erectile function and sexual satisfaction even more for those with low testosterone. More... 8/04/04*

Hundreds of Sex Offenders in America’s Nursing Homes

Six are in their 90s, one convicted at 86

July 12, 2004 – A shocking study reveals hundreds of registered sex offenders living in nursing homes in 37 states across America, according to findings released yesterday by the non-profit disability and elder rights group, A Perfect Cause. More... 7/12/04*

You can join the trials (see company report)

PT-141's Sexual Stimulation of Female Rats Grabs the Headlines

July 1, 2004 – Male sexual dysfunction has received most of the headlines in the last few years, much of it generated by the battle between drugs, like Viagra, that promise to solve the problem of poor sexual performance. But the headlines this week were grabbed by PT-141, a new treatment that reportedly increased sexual activity in female rats. More, including details from company, invitation to join trials... 7/01/04*

Most Adults Won’t Give Up Sex for Staying Young, Seniors Won’t Give Up Coffee

April 20, 2004 – What are Americans willing to give up for a drink from the “Fountain of Youth?” Not sex, for those 18 to 64, and not coffee for those over 64. More... 4/20/04*

Old Broads Get Naked for Charity Calendar

May 22, 2003 - The Great Old Broads, as they are now known, produced a 2003 calendar, "A Celebration of Mature Women," for LifeSpan Services Inc., a nonprofit senior services organization. In the above cover photo, they were all nude. Read more...

New Book on Sex After 60

Jan. 28, 2002 - A new book released by Balantine Books explores "the truth about aging and how it affects sexual desire." The book is "The New Love and Sex After 60" and it is an update to a book published earlier by Dr. Robert Butler and Dr. Myrna Lewis. Click 1/28/02* (if you want to order this book from Amazon, click on title: The New Love and Sex After 60

Regular cycling can improve sexual function in men with heart failure

Nov. 30, 2001 - Bicycling has a significantly positive effect in treating sexual dysfunction in men with chronic heart failure, according to a report presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2001 conference. Click 11/30/01*

How to Have Pleasurable Sex Despite Painful Arthritis
March 29, 2001 -- One of the most lyrical euphemisms for sexual relations comes from the hit musical "Annie Get Your Gun" in which the character of Annie Oakley sings, "still they're happy as can be, doing what comes naturally."  But what happens when "Doing What Comes Naturally" is painful? Consider the female patient with arthritis in her hips where even the slightest movement hurts?  Or, when pain and swelling in his hands and wrists prevents a male patient from putting any pressure on them? Read more...
Story of Senior Love Affair in Fiction Book, "A Second Journey," Selling Well

Seniors and their sexuality is the subject of John Anthony Chestara's romantic tale of a widow and widower, both in their mid-sixties, whose love affair is complicated by their children, memories of their deceased spouses and very different marriages.

"A Second Journey" is an important work of fiction because it addresses an issue that many seniors are reluctant to openly discuss; dating and their sexual desires after the death of a spouse," according to the publisher, Patricia Sealy of Highbridge Press. Click 1/30/2*  

New Book on Sex After 60

A new book released by Balantine Books explores "the truth about aging and how it affects sexual desire." The book is "The New Love and Sex After 60" and it is an update to a book published earlier by Dr. Robert Butler and Dr. Myrna Lewis. Click 1/28/02* (if you want to order this book from Amazon, click on title: The New Love and Sex After 60