Midcourse Review  >  Table of Contents  >  Focus Area 2: Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions  >  Progress Quotient Chart

Figure 2-1. Progress Quotient Chart for Focus Area 2: Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions

Moved away from target Moved away from target Moved toward target Moved toward target Met target Met target

  Percent of targeted change achieved
2-1. Mean level of joint pain: 18+ years with arthritis
(2002, 2003)
2-2. Activity limitations due to arthritis: 18+ years with arthritis (2002, 2003) Moved toward target
33% - Moved toward target
2-3. Personal care limitations: 18+ years with arthritis (2002, 2003) Moved away from target
-83% - Moved away from target
2-4. Counseled: 18+ years with arthritis (2002, 2003)  
a. Overweight or obese Moved toward target
18% - Moved toward target
b. Physical activity or exercise Moved toward target
27% - Moved toward target
2-5a. Unemployment rate: 18-64 years with arthritis (2002, 2003) Moved away from target
-33% - Moved away from target
2-5b. Effect of arthritis on paid work: 18-64 years with arthritis (2002, 2003) Moved toward target
14% - Moved toward target
2-7. Seeing a health care provider: 18+ years with joint symptoms (2002, 2003) Moved away from target
-20% - Moved away from target
2-8. Arthritis education: 18+ years with arthritis (2002, 2003) 0%
2-10. Hospitalization for vertebral fractures: 65+ years (1998, 2002) Moved toward target
3% - Moved toward target
2-11. Activity limitations due to chronic back conditions: 18+ years (1997, 2003) Moved toward target
43% - Moved toward target


Tracking data for objectives 2-6 and 2-9 are unavailable.

Years in parentheses represent the baseline data year and the most recent data year used to compute the percent of the Healthy People 2010 target achieved.

Equation expressing change between baseline data year and most recent data value to detemine percent of 2010 target achieved.

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