Chocolate, wine and tea consumption could decrease dementia risk
January 7, 2009

According to Oxford researchers working with colleagues in Norway, chocolate, wine and tea enhance cognitive performance. The team, from Oxford’s Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics and Norway, examined the relation between cognitive performance and the intake of three common foodstuffs that contain flavonoids (chocolate, wine, and tea) in 2,031 older people (aged between 70 and 74). Participants filled in information about their habitual food intake and underwent a battery of cognitive... ...Read more »

Australian and New Zealand wine companies invited to take part in pioneering global initiative
December 19, 2008

As the global trend towards bulk wine exportation and the use of lighter weight bottles continues to grow, a groundbreaking cross-industry project led by UK government-funded WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) is seeking partners from Australia and New Zealand, who are involved in supplying wine to the UK, to take part in this new global initiative. The project has already achieved considerable cost and environmental benefits across the UK market. With the UK currently representing the... ...Read more »

Penfolds recognised as Australia’s best export wine
December 5, 2008

Penfolds has won the prestigious George Mackey Memorial Trophy for Australia’s export wine of the year with the 2005 Penfolds Yattarna Chardonnay. This is the third consecutive year Penfolds has been recognised, each year with a different variety. “For a company and country famed for its iconic red wines, this award recognises the exceptionally high standard of one of Australia’s best chardonnays. To be chosen from more than 17,000 entries by an expert panel cements this wines reputation,”... ...Read more »

Winemakers keen to see alcopop tax loophole closed
December 4, 2008

The Winemakers’ Federation of Australia (WFA) has labelled the latest action by the Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia (DSICA) in delivering look-alike alcopop products to Government Members and Senators, as nothing more than a cynical media stunt. The WFA is supporting attempts to close the loophole that allows the overseas practice of manufacturing so called ‘wine-pops’ and ‘malternatives’ by using alcohol stripped from wine or beer and selling them at... ...Read more »

EU and Australia sign wine trade agreement - dates set for phase out of “Australian” Champagne, Port and Sherry
December 2, 2008

A new agreement between the European Union and Australia has been reached to govern the wine trade between the EU and Australia. The agreement, signed in Brussels yesterday by EU Commissioner for Agriculture Mariann Fischer Boel and Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Stephen Smith, will replace the one signed in 1994. Commissioner Fischer Boel said the new agreement established principles for the protection of Geographical Indications and traditional expressions and protected the EU’s... ...Read more »

Australian wine glut to worsen - production up but sales down
November 28, 2008

Wine production has gone up, but lower domestic sales and a drop in exports has led to increased wine stocks, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).The total grape crush for 2007-08 came in at 1.8 million tonnes, up by nearly a third (31%) on last year. This produced 1.2 billion litres of wine, up just over a quarter (27%). The total area of grape vines (166,000 hectares) was slightly higher than last year, and with production up, yield rose to 11.8 tonnes... ...Read more »

WA wine industry acknowledges leaders
November 24, 2008

The leaders of the WA Wine Industry gathered to celebrate their own at the Chamber of Commerce & Industry WA Wine Industry Awards 2008 on November 21, held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. The yearly event, hosted by Gerry Gannon, aims to recognise the quality performers in all aspects of the WA wine industry. WIAWA Chief Executive Officer Sue Vidovich said the awards succeed in recognising excellence in all aspects of the wine industry, from viticulture through to tourism and exporting.... ...Read more »

New CEO for WA Wine Industry
November 18, 2008

David Ellement has been appointed to the position of Chief Executive Officer for the Wine Industry Association of Western Australia, the state’s peak representative body for wine grape growers, wine producers and wine distributors. David has worked in the horticulture industry for over ten years with vegetablesWA (WA Vegetable Growers’ Association Inc) in the position of Industry Development. He has been responsible for strategic planning; R&D program management; communication and... ...Read more »

Is cask wine dead?
November 10, 2008

The future of cask wine is bleak, according to a new report, which discovers that its share of the wine market has fallen by a third in the past decade. The product, often referred to as the “goon bag”, was invented in 1965 by winemaker Tom Angove and begun to make its mark in the 70s as a cheap option. With new screw-top bottles, cheaper bottle prices and the threat of volumetric taxes, however, cask wine is set to continue relinquishing market share. A Citi Investment Research report... ...Read more »

Victorian wineries hoping for a tourism boost
October 31, 2008

Victoria’s Tourism and Major Events Minister Tim Holding has launched the 2008-2009 Wine Regions of Victoria Touring Guide, an initiative hoped to attract more visitors to regional Victoria. “The Brumby Government is continuing to promote the wonderful food and wine regional Victoria has to offer and boost local, interstate and overseas visitors,” Mr Holding suggested. “With 2900 vineyards and 850 wineries across 21 wine regions, Victoria has the most diverse wine industry... ...Read more »

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