NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

NERSC Users' Group (NUG)

The NUG (NERSC Users' Group) is composed of NERSC users from laboratories and universities. Any NERSC user can participate in NUG by joining the NUG mailing list. See the NERSC E-Mail Lists page for more information.

Users on the NUG mailing list receive notifications of the monthly NUG teleconferences with NERSC, which usually occur on the fourth Thursday of the month at 9:00 AM Pacific Time.


This group provides guidance to both NERSC and the DOE Offices of Science about the current services offered by NERSC and the direction of future development. When appropriate, NUG appoints task forces and working groups to address specific issues related to NERSC services.

See the NUG charter.


The next face-to-face NUG meeting is Thursday and Friday, October 2-3, 2008, in Oakland, California.

October 2-3, 2008 Meeting Agenda and Information

Older meetings

E-mail list

All NERSC users are invited to join the NUG e-mail list. See the NERSC E-Mail Lists page for more information.

Executive Committee

The NUG Executive Committee (NUGEX) steers the direction of NUG activities, runs the semi-annual membership meetings, and works with NERSC management to implement solutions to identified problems. The officers of NUG (chair, vice-chair and secretary) are selected from this committee.

Meet the current NUGEX. To request additional information and send concerns or comments to NUGEX send email to You can view the nugex email list archive.

NUG Teleconference Discussions

NUG holds monthly teleconferences with NERSC on the fourth Thursday of the month at 9:00 AM Pacific Time. The agenda is set by the members of the NUG mailing list.


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We welcome your comments and questions about our webpages: send email to

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