NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Connecting to DaVinci

SSH Access to DaVinci

Remote access to DaVinci is available via software that uses the the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. For example:

workhorse% ssh -l elvis's password: <enter elvis's password here>


DaVinci uses a particular ssh authentication method called keyboard-interactive. Be sure that your ssh software supports this authentication method. Other common authentication methods are public-key and password.

For more information about SSH, please see Connecting to NERSC and Secure Shell (SSH).

NX Access to DaVinci

NX accelerates remote X performance on DaVinci. To use NX, you must first download the NX client to and configure it for your platform (see Downloading the NX Client and Setting Up the NX Client). After you have configured NX, you can open a remote desktop on DaVinci by launching the NX client (see Starting the NX Client and Connecting to DaVinci Using NX).

For more information about NX and screenshots showing how to configure and use it, see Accelerating Remote X Performance on DaVinci Using NX.


Your DaVinci password is the same as your NIM password. Passwords cannot be changed directly on DaVinci, but rather through the NIM web account interface. NIM is also used to change the default login shell on DaVinci.

If you cannot successfully log into DaVinci, try resetting your password through the NIM interface. If you cannot log into NIM, call the NERSC account support office at 1-800-66-NERSC, menu option 2 (or 1-510-486-8612).

FTP Access to DaVinci

Inbound ftp/pftp is not permitted, but outbound ftp/pftp is allowed, for example, to the HPSS system

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