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CVM’s Animal Health Literacy Campaign


CVM Begins “Animal Health Literacy Campaign” Initiative, FDA Veterinarian, Vol. XXIII, No. III, 2008


·         A Quick Reference Guide to Approved Drugs for Use in Aquaculture, December 2008

Companion Animals

·         Treating Pain In Your Dog: Keeping Your Best Friend Active, Safe and Pain Free brochure, February 2007

·         Keeping Your Best Friend Active, Safe and Pain Free poster, December 2008

·         Osteoarthritis in Cats: A More Common Disease Than You Might Expect, FDA Veterinarian Newsletter, Vol. XXIII, No. II, 2008

Judicious Use of Antimicrobials

·         Judicious Use of Antimicrobials Flier, December 2008

 Student Programs

·         The Federal Regulatory Veterinary Medicine Clerkship Program, November 2008

·         CVM Student Opportunities, December 2008

Turtle Safety

·         Pet Turtles:  A Common Source of Salmonella | pdf | | pdf 508 Compliant | brochure, October 2008

·         Pet Turtles:  A Common Source of Salmonella poster, December 2008

·         FDA Consumer Update:  FDA Acts to Reduce Risk of Salmonella Infections, November 26, 2008

Coming Soon:

·         Turtle Safety Book Cover:  Turtles May Look Cute But They Can Make You Very Sick!

·         Basic Information on Veterinary Feed Directive Drugs for Veterinarians

·         Basic Information on Veterinary Feed Directive Drugs for Producers

·         Basic Information on Veterinary Feed Directive Drugs for Feed Mill Operators and Distributors



Web page updated by db - January 8, 2009 1:58 PM ET

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